
  • 8
    78 min
    8-part Memory course
    44 CQ
    Improving Memory Retention & Recall
    An 8-part course with Ignite Life with Joeel & Natalie
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    Searching for ways to improve your memory performance before a test or career event? Look no further than this lesson from professional speaker and psychology instructor Joeel Rivera M.Ed.

    Searching for ways to improve your memory performance before a test or career event? Look no further than this lesson from professional speaker and psychology instructor Joeel Rivera M.Ed.

  • 10
    105 min
    10-part Memory course
    57 CQ
    Improve Your Memory
    A 10-part course with Michelle, Motivate Me!
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    In this course, learn about preventing everyday memory lapses (“What was his name again?”), retaining information for tests, and improving brain function using proven methods. Don’t forget to join in!

    In this course, learn about preventing everyday memory lapses (“What was his name again?”), retaining information for tests, and improving brain function using proven methods. Don’t forget to join in!

  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. -Thomas Huxley
  • 3 min
    Memory lesson
    2 CQ
    Speed Reading Every Day
    A lesson with Jordan Harry
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    You are nearly at the end of this course! But before you go, find out why speed reading on a daily basis is essential for maintaining the skill.

    You are nearly at the end of this course! But before you go, find out why speed reading on a daily basis is essential for maintaining the skill.

  • 9 min
    Memory lesson
    5 CQ
    Speed Reading Training
    A lesson with Jordan Harry
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    In this lesson, learn strategies for speed reading, including pre-reading, note taking, and other methods for absorbing with the eye at a rapid pace.

    In this lesson, learn strategies for speed reading, including pre-reading, note taking, and other methods for absorbing with the eye at a rapid pace.

  • 8 min
    Memory lesson
    5 CQ
    Memory Training for Speed Reading
    A lesson with Jordan Harry
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    In this fascinating lesson, discover how engaging the limbic brain improves memory recall. In addition, find out how your bank card aids memory.

    In this fascinating lesson, discover how engaging the limbic brain improves memory recall. In addition, find out how your bank card aids memory.

  • 13 min
    Psychology lesson
    7 CQ
    Testing the Memory of Information
    A lesson with Dr. Lisa
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    In this psychology lesson, learn about the different ways teachers and scientists test memory, and discover the best ways to learn for each.

    In this psychology lesson, learn about the different ways teachers and scientists test memory, and discover the best ways to learn for each.

  • 12 min
    Psychology lesson
    7 CQ
    The Best Ways to Memorize Information
    A lesson with Dr. Lisa
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    In this psychology lesson, learn about the way most people study, and why it doesn't work well. Then, discover a simple technique that works much better.

    In this psychology lesson, learn about the way most people study, and why it doesn't work well. Then, discover a simple technique that works much better.

  • 11 min
    Memory lesson
    6 CQ
    How to Memorize Speeches & Poems
    A lesson with Luis Angel | AE Mind
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    Do you want to memorize a speech or poem? In this memory lesson, cover the basics of memorization, and follow along with an example to practice!

    Do you want to memorize a speech or poem? In this memory lesson, cover the basics of memorization, and follow along with an example to practice!

  • 6 min
    Memory lesson
    4 CQ
    How To Improve Your Memory
    A lesson with Es Einsteinium
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    Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.

    Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.

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