Join expert instructor Dr. Roger Seheult as he illustrates medical topics in a way that you will understand and remember them.
Dr. Seheult is a clinical and exam preparation instructor who is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary disease, critical care, and sleep medicine.
Both medical and non medical professionals alike will appreciate Dr. Seheult's clear explanations of a variety of heath problems including asthma, insomnia, rental failure, hypertension, sleep apnea, COPD, heart failure, acid/base problems, measles, mechanical ventilation and many more!
456 min4-part First Aid course30 CQ
Are you a medical student wondering how to identify and treat low sodium? In this course, Dr. Roger Seheult explains the underlying processes, symptoms, causes, and treatment of hyponatremia.
with MedCramAre you a medical student wondering how to identify and treat low sodium? In this course, Dr. Roger Seheult explains the underlying processes, symptoms, causes, and treatment of hyponatremia.
547 min5-part Biology course26 CQ
Follow along as expert instructor Dr. Roger Seheult discusses each of the five causes of hypoxemia, including hypoventilation, shunts, and more, in this easy-to-understand medical course.
with MedCramFollow along as expert instructor Dr. Roger Seheult discusses each of the five causes of hypoxemia, including hypoventilation, shunts, and more, in this easy-to-understand medical course.
344 min3-part Biology course24 CQ
Cramming for a medical exam? This course from expert instructor Dr. Seheult of MedCram explains the anatomy, chemistry, and diagnosis of renal failure in straightforward medical language.
with MedCramCramming for a medical exam? This course from expert instructor Dr. Seheult of MedCram explains the anatomy, chemistry, and diagnosis of renal failure in straightforward medical language.
340 min3-part First Aid course22 CQ
In this course with MedCram, learn the medical terminology associated with congestive heart failure, understand various treatment methods, and identify some of the leading causes of heart failure.
with MedCramIn this course with MedCram, learn the medical terminology associated with congestive heart failure, understand various treatment methods, and identify some of the leading causes of heart failure.
443 min4-part Biology course23 CQ
It's time to learn all about the liver! In this anatomy and physiology course, begin with the basics, and follow through to diagnosing acute, chronic, and cholestatic liver disease.
with MedCramIt's time to learn all about the liver! In this anatomy and physiology course, begin with the basics, and follow through to diagnosing acute, chronic, and cholestatic liver disease.
348 min3-part First Aid course26 CQ
In this course from MedCram, explore heart valve conditions such as aortic stenosis, mitral valve stenosis, and aortic regurgitation. Review the medical terminology and understand diagnostic methods.
with MedCramIn this course from MedCram, explore heart valve conditions such as aortic stenosis, mitral valve stenosis, and aortic regurgitation. Review the medical terminology and understand diagnostic methods.
8106 min8-part Biology course57 CQ
Need a cram course on diagnosing acid base disturbances? Gain a clear understanding of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Wrap up with review questions for passing the medical boards.
with MedCramNeed a cram course on diagnosing acid base disturbances? Gain a clear understanding of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Wrap up with review questions for passing the medical boards.
327 min3-part First Aid course15 CQ
COPD, also known as emphysema, is a lung disease that blocks airflow and makes it hard to breathe. Review the basic pathophysiology of COPD and learn how to treat it with this course from MedCram.
with MedCramCOPD, also known as emphysema, is a lung disease that blocks airflow and makes it hard to breathe. Review the basic pathophysiology of COPD and learn how to treat it with this course from MedCram.
656 min6-part First Aid course32 CQ
This course provides a clear overview of insomnia and sleep disorder treatment methods. Learn what causes and exacerbates insomnia before reviewing treatment options, like therapy and medication.
with MedCramThis course provides a clear overview of insomnia and sleep disorder treatment methods. Learn what causes and exacerbates insomnia before reviewing treatment options, like therapy and medication.
330 min3-part Biology course17 CQ
Pleural effusions are fluid that collects in around the lungs, not within in them. In this course, discover how to properly diagnose effusions and determine the cause through X-rays and lab analysis.
with MedCramPleural effusions are fluid that collects in around the lungs, not within in them. In this course, discover how to properly diagnose effusions and determine the cause through X-rays and lab analysis.
686 min6-part First Aid course47 CQ
This MedCram course for medical professionals and students reviews mechanical ventilation, its methods, dealing with specific conditions, and when to liberate a patient from a ventilator.
with MedCramThis MedCram course for medical professionals and students reviews mechanical ventilation, its methods, dealing with specific conditions, and when to liberate a patient from a ventilator.
457 min4-part Biology course32 CQ
Are you a med student studying different kinds of lung diseases? In this course, learn all about pulmonary embolism—a particular type of blood clot in the lungs—from diagnosis to treatment.
with MedCramAre you a med student studying different kinds of lung diseases? In this course, learn all about pulmonary embolism—a particular type of blood clot in the lungs—from diagnosis to treatment.
Other Lessons by MedCram
19 minFirst Aid lesson10 CQ
In this lesson, Dr. Roger Seheult discusses the basics of hypertension, outlines the basic categories of medication, and shares the side effects of each.
with MedCramIn this lesson, Dr. Roger Seheult discusses the basics of hypertension, outlines the basic categories of medication, and shares the side effects of each.
11 minFirst Aid lesson6 CQ
In this lesson, MedCram covers the physiological causes of asthma, possible treatments, and the health and environmental factors that cause its symptoms.
with MedCramIn this lesson, MedCram covers the physiological causes of asthma, possible treatments, and the health and environmental factors that cause its symptoms.
16 minFirst Aid lesson9 CQ
In this lesson from MedCram, review the ways asthma is diagnosed, how it can be accurately tested, and various treatment methods for this lung condition.
with MedCramIn this lesson from MedCram, review the ways asthma is diagnosed, how it can be accurately tested, and various treatment methods for this lung condition.
11 minFirst Aid lesson6 CQ
In this lesson, MedCram discusses the physiological causes as well as the common risk factors that are associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
with MedCramIn this lesson, MedCram discusses the physiological causes as well as the common risk factors that are associated with obstructive sleep apnea.
16 minFirst Aid lesson9 CQ
In this lesson, MedCram discusses different diagnostic tests for obstructive sleep apnea, as well as how breathing devices can help treat the condition.
with MedCramIn this lesson, MedCram discusses different diagnostic tests for obstructive sleep apnea, as well as how breathing devices can help treat the condition.
18 minFirst Aid lesson10 CQ
MedCram provides an introduction to Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, a large group of blood cancers, highlighting information likely to be tested in medical school.
with MedCramMedCram provides an introduction to Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, a large group of blood cancers, highlighting information likely to be tested in medical school.
14 minScience lesson8 CQ
Cramming for an exam in medical school? This lesson explains the anatomy, functions, and potential problems associated with the adrenal cortex.
with MedCramCramming for an exam in medical school? This lesson explains the anatomy, functions, and potential problems associated with the adrenal cortex.
11 minScience lesson6 CQ
In part two of this lesson on the adrenal cortex, you'll consider several conditions and diseases that can result from a malfunction of the adrenal cortex.
with MedCramIn part two of this lesson on the adrenal cortex, you'll consider several conditions and diseases that can result from a malfunction of the adrenal cortex.
20 minFirst Aid lesson11 CQ
Dr. Roger Seheult discusses the benefits and side effects of blood pressure medications, like alpha blockers, nitrates, alpha-2 agonists, and more.
with MedCramDr. Roger Seheult discusses the benefits and side effects of blood pressure medications, like alpha blockers, nitrates, alpha-2 agonists, and more.
10 minFirst Aid lesson6 CQ
MedCram provides key information about Hodgkin's lymphoma, including the role of Reed-Sternberg cells and the typical position and progression of the disease.
with MedCramMedCram provides key information about Hodgkin's lymphoma, including the role of Reed-Sternberg cells and the typical position and progression of the disease.