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1370 min13-part Running course41 CQ
Train for a decathlon, or just get fit with this track and field course! First, Olympic gold medalist and world champion decathlete Bryan Clay shares dynamic warm-up exercises and diet tips to get you ready for a workout, along with discus and shot put lessons. Next, American high hurdles record holder Dominique Arnold gives tips to run the 110 meter hurdles right! Finally, champion runner Khadevis Robinson running technique. Learn speed drills, core exercises for runners, and more!
with Pro Tips4UTrain for a decathlon, or just get fit with this track and field course! First, Olympic gold medalist and world champion decathlete Bryan Clay shares dynamic warm-up exercises and diet tips to get you ready for a workout, along with discus and shot put lessons. Next, American high hurdles record holder Dominique Arnold gives tips to run the 110 meter hurdles right! Finally, champion runner Khadevis Robinson running technique. Learn speed drills, core exercises for runners, and more!
12122 min12-part Running course68 CQ
Want to run longer and faster, without pain or injury? This comprehensive twelve week course from Pose Method Sports offers a way for anyone to become a better runner, no matter the ability level.
with Pose MethodWant to run longer and faster, without pain or injury? This comprehensive twelve week course from Pose Method Sports offers a way for anyone to become a better runner, no matter the ability level.
675 min6-part Fitness course40 CQ
In this course for runners, Dr. Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic discusses the fundamentals of preventing and managing running injuries. Discover how to properly warm up, foam roll, and more!
In this course for runners, Dr. Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic discusses the fundamentals of preventing and managing running injuries. Discover how to properly warm up, foam roll, and more!
679 min6-part Running course42 CQ
You're as old as your joints! And this is especially true for runners. In this fitness course, run through a series of warm-up and cool-down flexibility routines to increase your range of motion.
with Pose MethodYou're as old as your joints! And this is especially true for runners. In this fitness course, run through a series of warm-up and cool-down flexibility routines to increase your range of motion.
619 min6-part Running course13 CQ
Looking for ways to boost your speed, increase endurance, and conquer that route? In this mini course, Coach Tief delivers running tips and strategies to help you reach the next level.
with Coach TiefLooking for ways to boost your speed, increase endurance, and conquer that route? In this mini course, Coach Tief delivers running tips and strategies to help you reach the next level.
15175 min15-part Biking course94 CQ
Go from start line to victory in twelve short weeks with this sprint triathlon training course! Trainer Davey and TwoTri Jess coach the beginner triathlete through every nuance of swimming, running, and biking in preparation for race day. Learn about swimming technique, pedaling style, and proper running form. Get in awesome shape with a structured twelve week workout plan. From stretching routines to triathlon gear, this course covers every detail. You're gonna rock race day!
Go from start line to victory in twelve short weeks with this sprint triathlon training course! Trainer Davey and TwoTri Jess coach the beginner triathlete through every nuance of swimming, running, and biking in preparation for race day. Learn about swimming technique, pedaling style, and proper running form. Get in awesome shape with a structured twelve week workout plan. From stretching routines to triathlon gear, this course covers every detail. You're gonna rock race day!
10116 min10-part Running course63 CQ
Improving your running technique can keep you in top form -- and help you stay safe. Learn to run in a steady, sustainable way in this course! The Balanced Runner teaches natural running form, dynamic stretches, and Feldenkrais exercises to care for your body. Learn about proper nutrition, the advantages of barefoot shoes and barefoot running over conventional running shoes, and more. Whether you’re a casual jogger or a triathlete, prevent injury so you can spend more time running!
with The Balanced RunnerImproving your running technique can keep you in top form -- and help you stay safe. Learn to run in a steady, sustainable way in this course! The Balanced Runner teaches natural running form, dynamic stretches, and Feldenkrais exercises to care for your body. Learn about proper nutrition, the advantages of barefoot shoes and barefoot running over conventional running shoes, and more. Whether you’re a casual jogger or a triathlete, prevent injury so you can spend more time running!
513 min5-part Running course9 CQ
Whether you’re an advanced runner with some bad habits, or a beginner who is looking to avoid forming them in the first place, this course addresses the issues that nearly every runner encounters.
with The Balanced RunnerWhether you’re an advanced runner with some bad habits, or a beginner who is looking to avoid forming them in the first place, this course addresses the issues that nearly every runner encounters.
7 minFREERunning Worldly CurioFree4 CQ
Nepal's long-distance trail runner Mira Rai was once a child soldier. Now she's showing Nepali girls that they can be athletes.
with PRI's The WorldNepal's long-distance trail runner Mira Rai was once a child soldier. Now she's showing Nepali girls that they can be athletes.
3 minFREERunning lessonFree2 CQ
It's been almost 100 years since a South African won gold in the 400-meter men's track and field final.
with PRI's The WorldIt's been almost 100 years since a South African won gold in the 400-meter men's track and field final.
3 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Whether you’re a runner or just need to tone up those glutes, this lesson on stretching the medial glute will show you how to strength train for success.
with Nate Bower FitnessWhether you’re a runner or just need to tone up those glutes, this lesson on stretching the medial glute will show you how to strength train for success.
11 minFitness lesson6 CQ
Are you a runner? Using a foam roller and rope for active isolation, this stretching routine is designed to relieve muscle tension and alleviate pain.
with Nate Bower FitnessAre you a runner? Using a foam roller and rope for active isolation, this stretching routine is designed to relieve muscle tension and alleviate pain.
26 minFitness lesson14 CQ
In this lesson, follow along with simple yoga exercises to restore and rejuvenate sore and tense muscles, including the hamstrings and quadriceps.
with Laura Fisher YogaIn this lesson, follow along with simple yoga exercises to restore and rejuvenate sore and tense muscles, including the hamstrings and quadriceps.
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539 min5-part Dance course22 CQ
Learn the classic salsa moves needed for a night on the town in these easy-to-follow salsa lessons with Ryan Perez. You’ll learn how to find the beat of the music, count off a basic 8-count step - and then progress to more challenging partner work and turns. Ryan will also cover body posture, styling, and movement so that you feel comfortable showing off your new moves on the dance floor. Each lesson includes diagrams for foot positioning and covers steps for both the lead and follow.
with Ryan PerezLearn the classic salsa moves needed for a night on the town in these easy-to-follow salsa lessons with Ryan Perez. You’ll learn how to find the beat of the music, count off a basic 8-count step - and then progress to more challenging partner work and turns. Ryan will also cover body posture, styling, and movement so that you feel comfortable showing off your new moves on the dance floor. Each lesson includes diagrams for foot positioning and covers steps for both the lead and follow.
1083 min10-part Cars + Motorcycles course47 CQ
Car maintenance is necessary but expensive when working with professionals. In this course, Eric the Car Guy guides do-it-yourselfers through the ten most common car repairs to do safely at home.
with EricTheCarGuyCar maintenance is necessary but expensive when working with professionals. In this course, Eric the Car Guy guides do-it-yourselfers through the ten most common car repairs to do safely at home.
1495 min14-part Crafts course55 CQ
Have you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
with QT EntertainmentHave you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
11106 min11-part Video Games course59 CQ
So you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
with Skippy 6 GamingSo you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
15142 min15-part Games course78 CQ
Take on a new challenge and learn how to play a centuries-old strategy board game: chess! Review the board, the pieces, and key beginner concepts including time-tested strategies and chess tactics.
with William KarnegesTake on a new challenge and learn how to play a centuries-old strategy board game: chess! Review the board, the pieces, and key beginner concepts including time-tested strategies and chess tactics.
1031 min10-part Video Games course21 CQ
Farming is an essential skill in the game of Minecraft. In this course from gamer ibxtoycat, learn how to farm sugar cane, melons, animals, and more in Minecraft on the PS3 and PS4 game consoles.
with ibxtoycatFarming is an essential skill in the game of Minecraft. In this course from gamer ibxtoycat, learn how to farm sugar cane, melons, animals, and more in Minecraft on the PS3 and PS4 game consoles.
653 min6-part DIY course30 CQ
Are you looking to play some vintage video games, without digging up game consoles and cartridges? Create a custom gaming console with a Raspberry Pi computer and basic electronic components.
with Daniel SpiesAre you looking to play some vintage video games, without digging up game consoles and cartridges? Create a custom gaming console with a Raspberry Pi computer and basic electronic components.
10101 min10-part Literature course57 CQ
Have you ever wondered why video games are so violent? This course seeks to answer that question with an examination of violent themes in popular pieces of interactive art known as video games.
with The Game ProfessorHave you ever wondered why video games are so violent? This course seeks to answer that question with an examination of violent themes in popular pieces of interactive art known as video games.
11106 min11-part Video Games course59 CQ
So you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
with Skippy 6 GamingSo you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
20246 min20-part Video Games course133 CQ
Are you a serious Minecrafter looking for an interesting new building project? In this course, Andy of Andy is Yoda demonstrates how to create an elaborate Victorian home block-by-block in Minecraft.
with Andy is YodaAre you a serious Minecrafter looking for an interesting new building project? In this course, Andy of Andy is Yoda demonstrates how to create an elaborate Victorian home block-by-block in Minecraft.