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Party Tricks
1495 min14-part Crafts course55 CQ
Have you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
with QT EntertainmentHave you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
414 min4-part Party Tricks course9 CQ
Nothing screams “card shark” like some smooth sleight of hand tricks. In this course, learn how to look more like a card shark by mastering the index fan—from start to finish with a one-handed close.
with The Backstage WizardNothing screams “card shark” like some smooth sleight of hand tricks. In this course, learn how to look more like a card shark by mastering the index fan—from start to finish with a one-handed close.
743 min7-part Party Tricks course26 CQ
In this course on cardistry basics, discover the fundamental moves you'll need to perform expert card flourishes, including basic grips, shuffles, and cuts—building blocks of complex card maneuvers!
with The Backstage WizardIn this course on cardistry basics, discover the fundamental moves you'll need to perform expert card flourishes, including basic grips, shuffles, and cuts—building blocks of complex card maneuvers!
936 min9-part Party Tricks course22 CQ
In this course covering a collection of easy card tricks, inspire your inner illusionist and discover the tools used by master magicians, including card transformations, palms, and false shuffles!
with Michael KaczmarekIn this course covering a collection of easy card tricks, inspire your inner illusionist and discover the tools used by master magicians, including card transformations, palms, and false shuffles!
529 min5-part Party Tricks course18 CQ
One of the easiest ways to impress an audience as a beginner magician is to master card flourishes! The Russian Genius walks you through the technique for crowd pleasing flourishes in this course.
with TheRussianGeniusOne of the easiest ways to impress an audience as a beginner magician is to master card flourishes! The Russian Genius walks you through the technique for crowd pleasing flourishes in this course.
10120 min10-part Party Tricks course65 CQ
Learn how to handle a deck of cards with sleight of hand! In this beginner course, H23 Card Tricks reveals the essentials of card magic, from shuffling to basic card tricks.
with H23 Card TricksLearn how to handle a deck of cards with sleight of hand! In this beginner course, H23 Card Tricks reveals the essentials of card magic, from shuffling to basic card tricks.
1190 min11-part Dance course50 CQ
Ready to expand your repertoire of poi spinning moves? Discover more challenging moves, gain more freedom of movement, and make easier transitions between poi tricks in this intermediate course.
with DrexFactor PoiReady to expand your repertoire of poi spinning moves? Discover more challenging moves, gain more freedom of movement, and make easier transitions between poi tricks in this intermediate course.
423 min4-part Party Tricks course14 CQ
Dust off your favorite deck of cards for this course on easy card tricks! Learn how to perform magic tricks that flip the deck, make cards disappear, and incorporate simple sleight of hand moves.
with MagicVisionDust off your favorite deck of cards for this course on easy card tricks! Learn how to perform magic tricks that flip the deck, make cards disappear, and incorporate simple sleight of hand moves.
1186 min11-part Party Tricks course48 CQ
In this revealing card trick course, learn how to perform card tricks of varying difficulty, from the beginner-friendly Four Aces card trick, to the more advanced Order from Chaos illusion.
with H23 Card TricksIn this revealing card trick course, learn how to perform card tricks of varying difficulty, from the beginner-friendly Four Aces card trick, to the more advanced Order from Chaos illusion.
3 minFREEParty Tricks lessonFree2 CQ
It's crunch time for the 'balloonatics' at Macy's Parade Studio.
with Science FridayIt's crunch time for the 'balloonatics' at Macy's Parade Studio.
3 minParty Tricks lesson2 CQ
Ready for the secret to a classic card trick? In this lesson, learn how to switch a card with a totally different card, wowing onlookers in the process!
with TheRussianGeniusReady for the secret to a classic card trick? In this lesson, learn how to switch a card with a totally different card, wowing onlookers in the process!
17 minParty Tricks lesson9 CQ
In this lesson, magician TheRussianGenius demonstrates sleight of hand and an impromptu card trick that will leave friends and family wondering how you did it.
with TheRussianGeniusIn this lesson, magician TheRussianGenius demonstrates sleight of hand and an impromptu card trick that will leave friends and family wondering how you did it.
4 minParty Tricks lesson3 CQ
Want to be an ace at magic card tricks? In this lesson, magician The Russian Genius demonstrates a four ace production with several types of card breaks.
with TheRussianGeniusWant to be an ace at magic card tricks? In this lesson, magician The Russian Genius demonstrates a four ace production with several types of card breaks.
3 minFREEParty Tricks lessonFree2 CQ
Learn how to deal the second—instead of the top—card in a deck, without your audience knowing, in a sleight known as the one-handed second deal.
with TheRussianGeniusLearn how to deal the second—instead of the top—card in a deck, without your audience knowing, in a sleight known as the one-handed second deal.
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539 min5-part Dance course22 CQ
Learn the classic salsa moves needed for a night on the town in these easy-to-follow salsa lessons with Ryan Perez. You’ll learn how to find the beat of the music, count off a basic 8-count step - and then progress to more challenging partner work and turns. Ryan will also cover body posture, styling, and movement so that you feel comfortable showing off your new moves on the dance floor. Each lesson includes diagrams for foot positioning and covers steps for both the lead and follow.
with Ryan PerezLearn the classic salsa moves needed for a night on the town in these easy-to-follow salsa lessons with Ryan Perez. You’ll learn how to find the beat of the music, count off a basic 8-count step - and then progress to more challenging partner work and turns. Ryan will also cover body posture, styling, and movement so that you feel comfortable showing off your new moves on the dance floor. Each lesson includes diagrams for foot positioning and covers steps for both the lead and follow.
1083 min10-part Cars + Motorcycles course47 CQ
Car maintenance is necessary but expensive when working with professionals. In this course, Eric the Car Guy guides do-it-yourselfers through the ten most common car repairs to do safely at home.
with EricTheCarGuyCar maintenance is necessary but expensive when working with professionals. In this course, Eric the Car Guy guides do-it-yourselfers through the ten most common car repairs to do safely at home.
1495 min14-part Crafts course55 CQ
Have you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
with QT EntertainmentHave you always wanted to learn how to create balloon animals? If so, this balloon art for beginners course is the perfect place to start! Learn all kinds of knots, twists, and simple designs.
11106 min11-part Video Games course59 CQ
So you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
with Skippy 6 GamingSo you want to be a Minecraft expert? In this course, learn the Minecraft tips and tricks that will get you to expert status and create an efficient gaming world that exceeds your expectations.
15142 min15-part Games course78 CQ
Take on a new challenge and learn how to play a centuries-old strategy board game: chess! Review the board, the pieces, and key beginner concepts including time-tested strategies and chess tactics.
with William KarnegesTake on a new challenge and learn how to play a centuries-old strategy board game: chess! Review the board, the pieces, and key beginner concepts including time-tested strategies and chess tactics.
1379 min13-part Camping course47 CQ
Expert outdoorsman Krik from Black Owl Outdoors demonstrates how to tie more than a dozen useful knots and hitches, and shares the best uses for each while camping or spending time outdoors.
with Black Owl OutdoorsExpert outdoorsman Krik from Black Owl Outdoors demonstrates how to tie more than a dozen useful knots and hitches, and shares the best uses for each while camping or spending time outdoors.
979 min9-part Camping course45 CQ
Expert outdoorsman Krik from Black Owl Outdoors shares several methods for how to start a fire in the wild. Learn how to forage tinder and kindling, start a fire in wet conditions, and much more!
with Black Owl OutdoorsExpert outdoorsman Krik from Black Owl Outdoors shares several methods for how to start a fire in the wild. Learn how to forage tinder and kindling, start a fire in wet conditions, and much more!
10110 min10-part Camping course61 CQ
Itching to explore the great outdoors on a camping adventure? Before you go, learn everything that you need to know to prepare your backpack, clothing, campsite, and more.
with Tom McElroyItching to explore the great outdoors on a camping adventure? Before you go, learn everything that you need to know to prepare your backpack, clothing, campsite, and more.
314 min3-part Travel course9 CQ
In this travel lesson, tour the Las Vegas Strip, Valley of Fire State Park, Lake Mead, and Hoover Dam. There are fun, natural beauty, and feats of engineering among the wonders in the state of Nevada!
with Bob DuthieIn this travel lesson, tour the Las Vegas Strip, Valley of Fire State Park, Lake Mead, and Hoover Dam. There are fun, natural beauty, and feats of engineering among the wonders in the state of Nevada!
738 min7-part Travel course25 CQ
Get tours of Arizona's natural wonders and historic sites including the Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park, and Buckskin Mountain, plus lovely towns like Sedona. Plus, see the many Navajo influences!
with Bob DuthieGet tours of Arizona's natural wonders and historic sites including the Grand Canyon, Saguaro National Park, and Buckskin Mountain, plus lovely towns like Sedona. Plus, see the many Navajo influences!