All Lessons by Nate Bower Fitness
6 minFitness lesson4 CQ
Are you willing to work hard for killer abs? If so, this stability ball workout is just what you need to transform your midsection into washboard perfection.
with Nate Bower FitnessAre you willing to work hard for killer abs? If so, this stability ball workout is just what you need to transform your midsection into washboard perfection.
5 minFREEBoxing lessonFree3 CQ
In boxing, any energy saved is energy that can be used effectively. Find out how to clean up your right-hand punch to improve the rest of your fight.
with Nate Bower FitnessIn boxing, any energy saved is energy that can be used effectively. Find out how to clean up your right-hand punch to improve the rest of your fight.
20 minFitness lesson11 CQ
Want to get a serious workout in 20 minutes without weights? Follow along with this intermediate- to advanced-level boxing routine from Nate Bower Fitness.
with Nate Bower FitnessWant to get a serious workout in 20 minutes without weights? Follow along with this intermediate- to advanced-level boxing routine from Nate Bower Fitness.
20 minFitness lesson11 CQ
Want to have fun and get fit in 20 minutes? This lesson is great for kids who want a total body workout that will help them get in shape and build muscle.
with Nate Bower FitnessWant to have fun and get fit in 20 minutes? This lesson is great for kids who want a total body workout that will help them get in shape and build muscle.
11 minFitness lesson6 CQ
Are you a runner? Using a foam roller and rope for active isolation, this stretching routine is designed to relieve muscle tension and alleviate pain.
with Nate Bower FitnessAre you a runner? Using a foam roller and rope for active isolation, this stretching routine is designed to relieve muscle tension and alleviate pain.
20 minFitness lesson11 CQ
Looking for the ultimate heavy bag workout? In this 20-minute boxing routine, you’ll learn the form, movement, and technique you need to get into top shape.
with Nate Bower FitnessLooking for the ultimate heavy bag workout? In this 20-minute boxing routine, you’ll learn the form, movement, and technique you need to get into top shape.
21 minFitness lesson11 CQ
You don’t need special equipment or a boxing gym to train like a boxer. This 20-minute home boxing workout will challenge your endurance at home or at the gym!
with Nate Bower FitnessYou don’t need special equipment or a boxing gym to train like a boxer. This 20-minute home boxing workout will challenge your endurance at home or at the gym!
3 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Whether you’re a runner or just need to tone up those glutes, this lesson on stretching the medial glute will show you how to strength train for success.
with Nate Bower FitnessWhether you’re a runner or just need to tone up those glutes, this lesson on stretching the medial glute will show you how to strength train for success.
5 minFitness lesson3 CQ
Great boxers always keep their opponents guessing. That’s where changing tempos and throwing unpredictable combinations comes into play. Learn from the pros!
with Nate Bower FitnessGreat boxers always keep their opponents guessing. That’s where changing tempos and throwing unpredictable combinations comes into play. Learn from the pros!
3 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
In this lesson from Nate Bower Fitness, learn how to set up and execute an overhand right that will catch your boxing opponent off-guard time after time.
with Nate Bower FitnessIn this lesson from Nate Bower Fitness, learn how to set up and execute an overhand right that will catch your boxing opponent off-guard time after time.