Learning magic, and figuring out how the art works can be quite challenging, so if you wanna learn the secrets and know how to become a great magician, or if you just want to watch some videos, with mind blowing secrets, you have came to the right place.
529 min5-part Party Tricks course18 CQ
One of the easiest ways to impress an audience as a beginner magician is to master card flourishes! The Russian Genius walks you through the technique for crowd pleasing flourishes in this course.
with TheRussianGeniusOne of the easiest ways to impress an audience as a beginner magician is to master card flourishes! The Russian Genius walks you through the technique for crowd pleasing flourishes in this course.
Other Lessons by TheRussianGenius
3 minFREEParty Tricks lessonFree2 CQ
Learn how to deal the second—instead of the top—card in a deck, without your audience knowing, in a sleight known as the one-handed second deal.
with TheRussianGeniusLearn how to deal the second—instead of the top—card in a deck, without your audience knowing, in a sleight known as the one-handed second deal.
4 minFREEParty Tricks lessonFree3 CQ
Interested in learning the basics of card tricks? Entertainer Valdimar Jenko demonstrates a simple sleight that’ll fool your crowd every time—the double lift!
with TheRussianGeniusInterested in learning the basics of card tricks? Entertainer Valdimar Jenko demonstrates a simple sleight that’ll fool your crowd every time—the double lift!
4 minParty Tricks lesson3 CQ
Want to be an ace at magic card tricks? In this lesson, magician The Russian Genius demonstrates a four ace production with several types of card breaks.
with TheRussianGeniusWant to be an ace at magic card tricks? In this lesson, magician The Russian Genius demonstrates a four ace production with several types of card breaks.
17 minParty Tricks lesson9 CQ
In this lesson, magician TheRussianGenius demonstrates sleight of hand and an impromptu card trick that will leave friends and family wondering how you did it.
with TheRussianGeniusIn this lesson, magician TheRussianGenius demonstrates sleight of hand and an impromptu card trick that will leave friends and family wondering how you did it.
3 minParty Tricks lesson2 CQ
Ready for the secret to a classic card trick? In this lesson, learn how to switch a card with a totally different card, wowing onlookers in the process!
with TheRussianGeniusReady for the secret to a classic card trick? In this lesson, learn how to switch a card with a totally different card, wowing onlookers in the process!
8 minlesson5 CQ
With a simple technique and a little practice, you can learn how to make a half-dollar coin shoot straight upward from one hand to the other, defying gravity!
with TheRussianGeniusWith a simple technique and a little practice, you can learn how to make a half-dollar coin shoot straight upward from one hand to the other, defying gravity!