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661 min6-part Microsoft Office course34 CQ
Learn everything you need to know to get up and running with Powerpoint in just 1 hour! This course covers design, style, transitions, animations and a few advanced topics too.
Learn everything you need to know to get up and running with Powerpoint in just 1 hour! This course covers design, style, transitions, animations and a few advanced topics too.
11137 min11-part Microsoft Office course73 CQ
Learn how to crunch through your PowerPoint slides, create decks you’re proud of, and finish your PowerPoint presentation quickly and professionally with hotkeys and the Quick Access Toolbar!
Learn how to crunch through your PowerPoint slides, create decks you’re proud of, and finish your PowerPoint presentation quickly and professionally with hotkeys and the Quick Access Toolbar!
1041 min10-part Presentations course26 CQ
From establishing your core values and stances to working on your presence on TV and video, this course takes you step-by-step through the elements that make a successful television pundit.
with TJ WalkerFrom establishing your core values and stances to working on your presence on TV and video, this course takes you step-by-step through the elements that make a successful television pundit.
323 min3-part Microsoft Office course14 CQ
Learn how to create a PowerPoint slideshow as you follow along with a Microsoft certified pro. Gain basic skills, then add transitions as you learn to automate a presentation for continuous play!
with Geoff HudsonLearn how to create a PowerPoint slideshow as you follow along with a Microsoft certified pro. Gain basic skills, then add transitions as you learn to automate a presentation for continuous play!
855 min8-part Presentations course30 CQ
Public speaking coach TJ Walker discusses how to give a virtual keynote speech. Learn how to set up a studio for your virtual speech, get performance tips for speaking on-camera, and more.
with TJ WalkerPublic speaking coach TJ Walker discusses how to give a virtual keynote speech. Learn how to set up a studio for your virtual speech, get performance tips for speaking on-camera, and more.
662 min6-part Presentations course35 CQ
Learn how to give a technology presentation that is interesting, memorable, and motivating. Get tips for presenting and selling technology, using stories in your presentations, and more.
with TJ WalkerLearn how to give a technology presentation that is interesting, memorable, and motivating. Get tips for presenting and selling technology, using stories in your presentations, and more.
537 min5-part Presentations course21 CQ
Media presentation expert TJ Walker discusses how you can efficiently create an effective and focused presentation by having a specific goal, narrowing your points down, and practicing on video.
with TJ WalkerMedia presentation expert TJ Walker discusses how you can efficiently create an effective and focused presentation by having a specific goal, narrowing your points down, and practicing on video.
533 min5-part Public Speaking course19 CQ
While delivering one can be emotionally challenging, a eulogy is a wonderful way to remember and celebrate a loved one. Learn how to give a respectful, well-crafted eulogy in this course.
with TJ WalkerWhile delivering one can be emotionally challenging, a eulogy is a wonderful way to remember and celebrate a loved one. Learn how to give a respectful, well-crafted eulogy in this course.
837 min8-part Presentations course23 CQ
Have to give a one-on-one presentation to a prospect? Discover the best ways to prepare and practice your presentation in this course from media trainer and presentation expert TJ Walker.
with TJ WalkerHave to give a one-on-one presentation to a prospect? Discover the best ways to prepare and practice your presentation in this course from media trainer and presentation expert TJ Walker.
18 minFREEPublic Speaking lessonFree10 CQ
From the "I have a dream" speech to Steve Jobs' iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners. In ...
with Nancy DuarteFrom the "I have a dream" speech to Steve Jobs' iPhone launch, many great talks have a common structure that helps their message resonate with listeners. In ...
11 minFREEScience lessonFree6 CQ
Instead of a boring slide deck at your next presentation, how about bringing in a troupe of dancers? That's science writer John Bohannon's "modest proposal" in this spellbinding choreographed talk. He makes his case by example, in collaboration with dancers from Black Label Movement.
with John BohannonInstead of a boring slide deck at your next presentation, how about bringing in a troupe of dancers? That's science writer John Bohannon's "modest proposal" in this spellbinding choreographed talk. He makes his case by example, in collaboration with dancers from Black Label Movement.
10 minMicrosoft Office lesson6 CQ
What's worse than a boring PowerPoint? Not much! In this essential lesson for Microsoft PowerPoint users, learn how to add animation to a presentation.
with Jonnalyn CambaWhat's worse than a boring PowerPoint? Not much! In this essential lesson for Microsoft PowerPoint users, learn how to add animation to a presentation.
25 minFREEMicrosoft Office lessonFree13 CQ
If you're creative and love inspiring quotes, learn how to use PowerPoint to design amazing quote printables using clipart, text masking, and more!
with Visual DeckIf you're creative and love inspiring quotes, learn how to use PowerPoint to design amazing quote printables using clipart, text masking, and more!
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26150 min26-part Microsoft Office course89 CQ
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
11110 min11-part Blogging course61 CQ
WordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
with Five Euro FoodWordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
22187 min22-part Career Growth course104 CQ
Ready to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
with Business English HQReady to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
534 min5-part Entrepreneurship course20 CQ
Media presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
with TJ WalkerMedia presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
415 min4-part Finance course10 CQ
Starting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
with Mark J. KohlerStarting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
865 min8-part Productivity course37 CQ
Your time is precious! In this course, business analyst and trainer Bruce Wade provides expert tips to maximize your earning potential and work-life balance by effectively managing your time.
with Bruce WadeYour time is precious! In this course, business analyst and trainer Bruce Wade provides expert tips to maximize your earning potential and work-life balance by effectively managing your time.
737 min7-part Personal Growth course22 CQ
In this course for professionals, discuss the habits of the world's most successful people, and learn how to cultivate these healthy habits yourself by applying productivity strategies to your life.
with Vladimir RaykovIn this course for professionals, discuss the habits of the world's most successful people, and learn how to cultivate these healthy habits yourself by applying productivity strategies to your life.
527 min5-part Personal Growth course16 CQ
Productivity is about producing positive results in your life! Although strategies are needed for this kind of personal development, it's really about getting the right things done in a timely way.
with Vladimir RaykovProductivity is about producing positive results in your life! Although strategies are needed for this kind of personal development, it's really about getting the right things done in a timely way.
16218 min16-part Management course118 CQ
Does your device come with Microsoft Office 365? In this comprehensive course, get familiar with all the helpful apps this productivity program offers, from Mail to Skype for Business.
Does your device come with Microsoft Office 365? In this comprehensive course, get familiar with all the helpful apps this productivity program offers, from Mail to Skype for Business.
2281 min22-part Personal Growth course52 CQ
Need a bit of inspiration to help you lead a more productive life? Entrepreneurs and business owners alike benefit from this productivity course full of tips to improve time management and planning.
with Matt BernsteinNeed a bit of inspiration to help you lead a more productive life? Entrepreneurs and business owners alike benefit from this productivity course full of tips to improve time management and planning.