
  • 7
    34 min
    7-part Negotiating course
    21 CQ
    How to Ask for a Raise at Work
    A 7-part course with TJ Walker
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    Asking for a raise is intimidating, but TJ Walker's preparation strategy increases the odds of success! Follow the steps outlined in this course to prepare the strongest possible case for a raise.

    Asking for a raise is intimidating, but TJ Walker's preparation strategy increases the odds of success! Follow the steps outlined in this course to prepare the strongest possible case for a raise.

  • 10
    109 min
    10-part Management course
    59 CQ
    Career Strategies That Work
    A 10-part course with Ellis Chase Career Management Consulting
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    Are you job searching or going through a career transition? Career management consultant Ellis Chase walks you through some surprising search strategies for a successful job transition.

    Are you job searching or going through a career transition? Career management consultant Ellis Chase walks you through some surprising search strategies for a successful job transition.

  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. -Thomas Huxley
  • 4 min
    Negotiating Business Curio
    3 CQ
    How the right kind of conflict can lead to better manag...
    A lesson with Marketplace
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    Jeff Weiss, an expert in conflict management, has some advice for the president.

    Jeff Weiss, an expert in conflict management, has some advice for the president.

  • 14 min
    Negotiating lesson
    8 CQ
    Negotiation expert: Lessons from my horse
    A lesson with Margaret Neale | TEDx
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    Co-author of Getting (More of) What You Want, award winning researcher and management professor Margaret Neale admits she doesn’t always take her own advice.

    Co-author of Getting (More of) What You Want, award winning researcher and management professor Margaret Neale admits she doesn’t always take her own advice.

  • 13 min
    Negotiating lesson
    7 CQ
    Neuroscience, game theory, monkeys
    A lesson with Colin Camerer
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    When two people are trying to make a deal — whether they’re competing or cooperating — what’s really going on inside their brains?

    When two people are trying to make a deal — whether they’re competing or cooperating — what’s really going on inside their brains?

  • 1 min
    Management lesson
    1 CQ
    Number 1 tip for salary negotiations
    A lesson with Ellis Chase Career Management Consulting
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  • 1 min
    Negotiating lesson
    1 CQ
    Is it harder to find jobs if unemployed?
    A lesson with Ellis Chase Career Management Consulting
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  • 1 min
    Negotiating lesson
    1 CQ
    Ask for the raise you want
    A lesson with TJ Walker
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  • 2 min
    Negotiating lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Negotiate Salary Like a Pro
    A lesson with KAS Placement
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    You got the job! Now it’s time to negotiate salary. In this lesson, learn the five rules to remember when approaching this nerve-wracking part of job-seeking.

    You got the job! Now it’s time to negotiate salary. In this lesson, learn the five rules to remember when approaching this nerve-wracking part of job-seeking.

  • 5 min
    Negotiating lesson
    3 CQ
    How to Negotiate Salary & Benefits
    A lesson with Go Show Do
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    New jobs aren’t strictly a take it or leave it affair. Learn how to negotiate for the job compensation you deserve in this lesson from Go Show Do.

    New jobs aren’t strictly a take it or leave it affair. Learn how to negotiate for the job compensation you deserve in this lesson from Go Show Do.

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