Welcome! My name is Charles and this is FiveEuroFood. My goal is to offer you recipes which reflect that cooking tasty food from scratch is not only easy and fun, but cheap as well.
417 min4-part Baking course11 CQ
Whoever said that tasty homemade desserts had to cost an arm and a leg? In this brief course, discover a delicious range of sweet tooth-satisfying confections!
with Five Euro FoodWhoever said that tasty homemade desserts had to cost an arm and a leg? In this brief course, discover a delicious range of sweet tooth-satisfying confections!
11110 min11-part Blogging course61 CQ
WordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
with Five Euro FoodWordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
Other Lessons by Five Euro Food
4 minBaking lesson3 CQ
By combining the simplest of ingredients – oats, butter, salt, and water – you’ll create a crispy, savory whole-grain biscuit that's a perfect snack.
with Five Euro FoodBy combining the simplest of ingredients – oats, butter, salt, and water – you’ll create a crispy, savory whole-grain biscuit that's a perfect snack.
3 minCooking lesson2 CQ
Yes, you’ve heard of and probably eaten peanut butter. Did you know you can make butter out of most any nut and even out of seeds? Learn how easy it is!
with Five Euro FoodYes, you’ve heard of and probably eaten peanut butter. Did you know you can make butter out of most any nut and even out of seeds? Learn how easy it is!
3 minFREEBaking lessonFree2 CQ
Dust off that apron - we've got work to do! This easy recipe will have beginner and advanced bakers alike making delicious homemade bread in less than 2 hours!
with Five Euro FoodDust off that apron - we've got work to do! This easy recipe will have beginner and advanced bakers alike making delicious homemade bread in less than 2 hours!