Jonnalyn Camba
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Jonnalyn Camba
Persistent Learner Instructor

Hi. I’m Jonnalyn, a persistent learner just like you. Before I started teaching online classes, I had been taking online classes for many years. I realized the value of online learning right away and wanted to become part of this revolution where anyone can learn whatever they desire.

Some fun facts about me are: I have a dual major in Economics and Psychology, I love to travel and eat diverse dishes, I love learning languages, I love to write (especially poetry), and I hula hoop really well.

My principle in teaching is to provide my students a fun and simple way to learn anything. I believe the journey is just as important as the destination, which is why I do my best to create beautiful courses that my students can refer back to again and again.

The details and nuances in learning are important, but keeping the big picture in mind for guidance is equally necessary. I am mindful of this in whatever I teach.

My ideal student is the persistent learner who loves learning for learning’s sake and sees the world not only in practical terms, but in its poetic, mystical beauty.

Join me in my Tagalog classes, technology, and other artsy classes that are designed for you to enjoy again and again.

Best wishes!


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