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727 min7-part Budgeting course18 CQ
Learn how to buy, trade, and sell stocks in this beginner-friendly course on how to play the stock market. Get insider tips on investing wisely, and learn about alternative investment methods.
with Wall Street SurvivorLearn how to buy, trade, and sell stocks in this beginner-friendly course on how to play the stock market. Get insider tips on investing wisely, and learn about alternative investment methods.
415 min4-part Finance course10 CQ
Starting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
with Mark J. KohlerStarting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
10130 min10-part Finance course69 CQ
Starting a business, but clueless about how to raise capital? Startup consultant Cate Costa walks you through the startup funding process, from pro formas and investor pitches, to sealing a deal.
with Cate CostaStarting a business, but clueless about how to raise capital? Startup consultant Cate Costa walks you through the startup funding process, from pro formas and investor pitches, to sealing a deal.
855 min8-part Finance course32 CQ
Don't leave profits to chance! Become a more informed stock market trader with this course on how to analyze stock market charts. Learn to recognize strength, weakness, and signs of a market shift.
Don't leave profits to chance! Become a more informed stock market trader with this course on how to analyze stock market charts. Learn to recognize strength, weakness, and signs of a market shift.
41327 min41-part Finance course185 CQ
In this course from an expert CFO, learn everything you need to know about small business finance. Covered are basic accounting terms, financial statements, and tips for the investment process.
In this course from an expert CFO, learn everything you need to know about small business finance. Covered are basic accounting terms, financial statements, and tips for the investment process.
536 min5-part Finance course20 CQ
In an IPO road show, success depends on communicating with investors effectively. Discover public speaking strategies to transform a milquetoast corporate presentation into a sensational experience.
with TJ WalkerIn an IPO road show, success depends on communicating with investors effectively. Discover public speaking strategies to transform a milquetoast corporate presentation into a sensational experience.
1079 min10-part Finance course45 CQ
In this course, TJ Walker presents expert tips for delivering financial presentations. Learn about the importance of telling stories, how to use PowerPoint effectively, how to rehearse, and more.
with TJ WalkerIn this course, TJ Walker presents expert tips for delivering financial presentations. Learn about the importance of telling stories, how to use PowerPoint effectively, how to rehearse, and more.
740 min7-part Finance course25 CQ
Learn how to improve your communication skills, speak with confidence, convey trust and expertise, and deliver compelling financial presentations in this public speaking course for financial advisors.
with TJ WalkerLearn how to improve your communication skills, speak with confidence, convey trust and expertise, and deliver compelling financial presentations in this public speaking course for financial advisors.
320 min3-part Finance course12 CQ
Starting a business isn’t monkey business. It involves raising capital, drawing out a business plan, and learning about the world of funding. This mini-course covers key aspects to funding a startup.
with FundingStore.comStarting a business isn’t monkey business. It involves raising capital, drawing out a business plan, and learning about the world of funding. This mini-course covers key aspects to funding a startup.
6 minFinance lesson4 CQ
How do businesses develop, price, promote, and distribute products? Learn about the product life cycle and how it helps businesses develop their product mix.
How do businesses develop, price, promote, and distribute products? Learn about the product life cycle and how it helps businesses develop their product mix.
2 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
The presidential candidate may have illegally put his interests first.
with MarketplaceThe presidential candidate may have illegally put his interests first.
2 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
Employees will be entitled to overtime unless they are paid more than $900 a week.
with MarketplaceEmployees will be entitled to overtime unless they are paid more than $900 a week.
1 minFREEFinance lessonFree1 CQ
Fewer employers are doing payroll calculations in-house and on proprietary office servers.
with MarketplaceFewer employers are doing payroll calculations in-house and on proprietary office servers.
2 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
Brexit made the pound cheaper and British companies potentially more attractive
with MarketplaceBrexit made the pound cheaper and British companies potentially more attractive
3 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
Music tech start-ups welcomed to Nashville after little love elsewhere
with MarketplaceMusic tech start-ups welcomed to Nashville after little love elsewhere
2 minFREETravel lessonFree2 CQ
Earnings are up but unit revenue is down â the complexity of airline economics
with MarketplaceEarnings are up but unit revenue is down â the complexity of airline economics
2 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
The payments company is venturing into an activity some see as risky.
with MarketplaceThe payments company is venturing into an activity some see as risky.
2 minFREEFinance lessonFree2 CQ
There's turbulence in the friendly skies as investors and management battle for control.
with MarketplaceThere's turbulence in the friendly skies as investors and management battle for control.
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26150 min26-part Microsoft Office course89 CQ
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
11110 min11-part Blogging course61 CQ
WordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
with Five Euro FoodWordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
22187 min22-part Career Growth course104 CQ
Ready to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
with Business English HQReady to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
534 min5-part Entrepreneurship course20 CQ
Media presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
with TJ WalkerMedia presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
415 min4-part Finance course10 CQ
Starting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
with Mark J. KohlerStarting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
10151 min10-part Marketing course79 CQ
The internet is a vast world waiting for you to utilize its marketing resources. Internet marketing expert NT Izuchi shares invaluable secrets to getting site visitors and ultimately, paid customers.
with NT IzuchiThe internet is a vast world waiting for you to utilize its marketing resources. Internet marketing expert NT Izuchi shares invaluable secrets to getting site visitors and ultimately, paid customers.
880 min8-part Entrepreneurship course44 CQ
Join in with this course from Bitesize Business School to review the basics of branding. Covered are tips for creating a cohesive brand using the perfect company name, logo, website, and more.
Join in with this course from Bitesize Business School to review the basics of branding. Covered are tips for creating a cohesive brand using the perfect company name, logo, website, and more.
1098 min10-part Marketing course55 CQ
Learn how to use stories to market your business and gain trusted customers! Content marketing ninja Kevin Campbell breaks down tried and true story-selling methods with real-world examples.
with Kevin Campbell FilmsLearn how to use stories to market your business and gain trusted customers! Content marketing ninja Kevin Campbell breaks down tried and true story-selling methods with real-world examples.
640 min6-part Entrepreneurship course23 CQ
What are digital information products and how can they help your business grow? In this course, learn how to create information products that'll generate new leads and satisfy existing customers.
with Vladimir RaykovWhat are digital information products and how can they help your business grow? In this course, learn how to create information products that'll generate new leads and satisfy existing customers.
524 min5-part Social Media course15 CQ
Would you like to add thousands of followers to your Instagram account for free? In this social media marketing course for beginners, learn strategies to boost your presence on social media.
with Vladimir RaykovWould you like to add thousands of followers to your Instagram account for free? In this social media marketing course for beginners, learn strategies to boost your presence on social media.