Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement, an executive search firm specializing in sales and marketing recruitment. Ken is also a writer for Forbes, Chicago Tribune, Business Insider, Simply Hired, Entrepreneur.com, US News and has been featured in Simply Hired, The Ladders, AOL, Globe and Mail and many others.
All Lessons by KAS Placement
2 minFREENegotiating lessonFree2 CQ
You got the job! Now it’s time to negotiate salary. In this lesson, learn the five rules to remember when approaching this nerve-wracking part of job-seeking.
with KAS PlacementYou got the job! Now it’s time to negotiate salary. In this lesson, learn the five rules to remember when approaching this nerve-wracking part of job-seeking.
2 minFREECareer Growth lessonFree2 CQ
My biggest weakness? I am just too detail oriented. If you have ever had those words cross your lips during a job interview, then this is the lesson for you!
with KAS PlacementMy biggest weakness? I am just too detail oriented. If you have ever had those words cross your lips during a job interview, then this is the lesson for you!