Android Development

  • 42
    434 min
    42-part Android Development course
    238 CQ
    Learn to Code Android Apps
    A 42-part course with LearnToProgram
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    Jump-start your Android development skills with Learn to Program! This beginner-level course starts with a review of the Java principles you need to understand before designing more complex programs, including inheritance and interfaces. Then, start working with Android SDK—the bundle of free tools for developers. Learn how to structure your application, add graphics, build an effective architecture, and add the bells and whistles before testing out the program with an emulator and going live!

    Jump-start your Android development skills with Learn to Program! This beginner-level course starts with a review of the Java principles you need to understand before designing more complex programs, including inheritance and interfaces. Then, start working with Android SDK—the bundle of free tools for developers. Learn how to structure your application, add graphics, build an effective architecture, and add the bells and whistles before testing out the program with an emulator and going live!

  • 15
    140 min
    15-part Android Development course
    78 CQ
    Java for Android Development
    A 15-part course with Daniel Downs
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    Want to know how to code an Android app? Learn everything you need in this intermediate course. From basic Java and the free Eclipse ADT, to debugging—get ready to launch your custom Android app!

    Want to know how to code an Android app? Learn everything you need in this intermediate course. From basic Java and the free Eclipse ADT, to debugging—get ready to launch your custom Android app!

  • 12
    150 min
    12-part Android Development course
    81 CQ
    Learn to Code 10 Mobile Apps
    A 12-part course with LearnToProgram
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    Follow along and learn how to create mobile apps in this project-based development course. Follow along and make 10 different apps you can use and distribute to iOS, Android, Kindle and more!

    Follow along and learn how to create mobile apps in this project-based development course. Follow along and make 10 different apps you can use and distribute to iOS, Android, Kindle and more!

  • 47
    494 min
    47-part Android Development course
    271 CQ
    Game Development with Unity 5
    A 47-part course with LearnToProgram
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    Explore the ins and outs of Unity 5's flexible animation system, stellar physics capabilities, and audio mixer. Learn how to start developing your own 3D games and interactive experiences!

    Explore the ins and outs of Unity 5's flexible animation system, stellar physics capabilities, and audio mixer. Learn how to start developing your own 3D games and interactive experiences!

  • Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. -John F. Kennedy
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  • 4 min
    Android Development lesson
    3 CQ
    Customize Your Android: Launcher & Icons
    A lesson with Tyler Miller
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    Want to learn how to customize your Android device? In this lesson, discover how to change the look of your Android smartphone with the launcher and icon packs!

    Want to learn how to customize your Android device? In this lesson, discover how to change the look of your Android smartphone with the launcher and icon packs!

  • 5 min
    Android Development lesson
    3 CQ
    Intro to Java for Mobile Apps
    A lesson with Adam Lupu
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    Get an introduction to Java for mobile apps, learn how code creates functionality in Android apps, and review the structure of Java’s code components.

    Get an introduction to Java for mobile apps, learn how code creates functionality in Android apps, and review the structure of Java’s code components.

  • 9 min
    Android Development lesson
    5 CQ
    Using Android Shared Preferences
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    For all you Android app writers, this lesson teaches you how to save time by using Android shared preferences to create a “settings” page for your app.

    For all you Android app writers, this lesson teaches you how to save time by using Android shared preferences to create a “settings” page for your app.

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