
  • 10
    129 min
    10-part Math course
    70 CQ
    Statistics 101
    A 10-part course with Zachary Rappell
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    Statistics may sound like a dry topic, but developing data analysis skills will unlock fascinating worlds! In this 10-lesson course from statistics teacher Zac Rappell, start by understanding group data and central tendencies (mean, median, and mode), then explore measures of spread (range, IQR, and standard deviation). Learn how to create stem and leaf and box and whisker plots, and practice comparing data sets to identify new relationships. Finish with a fun final project analyzing the Oscars!

    Statistics may sound like a dry topic, but developing data analysis skills will unlock fascinating worlds! In this 10-lesson course from statistics teacher Zac Rappell, start by understanding group data and central tendencies (mean, median, and mode), then explore measures of spread (range, IQR, and standard deviation). Learn how to create stem and leaf and box and whisker plots, and practice comparing data sets to identify new relationships. Finish with a fun final project analyzing the Oscars!

  • 8
    56 min
    8-part Statistics course
    33 CQ
    Programming with R
    An 8-part course with MarinStatsLectures
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    Mike Marin explains R programming languages basics, and shows you how to install the integrated development environment (IDE), perform arithmetic operations, and import data from Excel.

    Mike Marin explains R programming languages basics, and shows you how to install the integrated development environment (IDE), perform arithmetic operations, and import data from Excel.

  • 10
    101 min
    10-part Software Development course
    55 CQ
    How to Build a Video Game in Scratch
    A 10-part course with Richard Poth
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    Building a video game is a wonderful learning experience that uses many different skills. Learn learn how to build a game using Scratch, a free game design software from M.I.T.

    Building a video game is a wonderful learning experience that uses many different skills. Learn learn how to build a game using Scratch, a free game design software from M.I.T.

  • 10
    123 min
    10-part Statistics course
    67 CQ
    Introduction to Probability & Statistics
    A 10-part course with Mark Huber
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    What is probability and how are statistics principles applied to modeling information? In this intro course cover the basics of a discipline applied to everything from consumer trends to global trade.

    What is probability and how are statistics principles applied to modeling information? In this intro course cover the basics of a discipline applied to everything from consumer trends to global trade.

  • 36
    266 min
    36-part Statistics course
    151 CQ
    Game Theory 101
    A 36-part course with William Spaniel
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    William Spaniel, author of "Game Theory 101: The Complete Textbook," explains concepts in the study of strategic decision making. Learn to apply math and logic to determine the best possible outcome.

    William Spaniel, author of "Game Theory 101: The Complete Textbook," explains concepts in the study of strategic decision making. Learn to apply math and logic to determine the best possible outcome.

  • Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. -John F. Kennedy
  • 3 min
    Science lesson
    2 CQ
    456: Research
    A lesson with A Thousand Things to Talk About
    View lesson

    Have you ever been a part of a research study? Full episode script Scientific research, especially about and on and with human beings, requires one big thing...

    Have you ever been a part of a research study? Full episode script Scientific research, especially about and on and with human beings, requires one big thing...

  • 2 min
    Statistics Worldly Curio
    2 CQ
    Hans Rosling, who turned statistics into performance ar...
    A lesson with PRI's The World
    View lesson

    The Swedish scientist Hans Rosling has been called everything from "data guru" to "Jedi master" of statistics. He died on Tuesday at age 68 from pancreatic c...

    The Swedish scientist Hans Rosling has been called everything from "data guru" to "Jedi master" of statistics. He died on Tuesday at age 68 from pancreatic c...

  • 1 min
    Statistics Nerdy Curio
    1 CQ
    Commuting Patterns Help Forecast Flu Outbreaks
    A lesson with 60-Second Science
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    Commuter data may help warn hospitals about flu outbreaks and how to prevent the spread of diseases on a local level. Find out more in today’s Nerdy Curio, brought to you by 60-Second Science.

    Commuter data may help warn hospitals about flu outbreaks and how to prevent the spread of diseases on a local level. Find out more in today’s Nerdy Curio, brought to you by 60-Second Science.

  • 1 min
    Statistics lesson
    1 CQ
    How random variable notation works
    A lesson with Mark Huber
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  • 11 min
    Political Science lesson
    6 CQ
    Sorting Out the Numbers of Political Polls
    A lesson with Science Friday
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    What should you look for when reading a political poll?

    What should you look for when reading a political poll?

  • 1 min
    Psychology lesson
    1 CQ
    What people get wrong about correlation
    A lesson with Dr. Lisa
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  • 21 min
    Math lesson
    11 CQ
    How juries are fooled by statistics
    A lesson with Peter Donnelly
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    Oxford mathematician Peter Donnelly reveals the common mistakes humans make in interpreting statistics -- and the devastating impact these errors can have on the outcome of criminal trials.

    Oxford mathematician Peter Donnelly reveals the common mistakes humans make in interpreting statistics -- and the devastating impact these errors can have on the outcome of criminal trials.

  • 19 min
    Statistics lesson
    10 CQ
    The best stats you've ever seen
    A lesson with Hans Rosling
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    You've never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called "developing world."

    You've never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called "developing world."

  • 15 min
    Statistics lesson
    8 CQ
    The good news of the decade? We're winning the war agai...
    A lesson with Hans Rosling
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    Hans Rosling reframes 10 years of UN data with his spectacular visuals, lighting up an astonishing -- and under-reported -- piece of front-page good news: We're winning the war against child death. Along the way, he debunks one flawed approach to stats that blots out such vital stories.

    Hans Rosling reframes 10 years of UN data with his spectacular visuals, lighting up an astonishing -- and under-reported -- piece of front-page good news: We're winning the war against child death. Along the way, he debunks one flawed approach to stats that blots out such vital stories.

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