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4 minFREEGeography Worldly CurioFree3 CQ
Boston's public schools are leading the way with the Gall-Peters projection world maps for its classrooms.
with PRI's The WorldBoston's public schools are leading the way with the Gall-Peters projection world maps for its classrooms.
4 minFREEStorytelling lessonFree3 CQ
The ancient border that separates Europe and Asia has, over the millennia, stayed roughly in the same place. But the identities of the continents have taken on rich and enduring cultural and political meanings.
with PRI's The WorldThe ancient border that separates Europe and Asia has, over the millennia, stayed roughly in the same place. But the identities of the continents have taken on rich and enduring cultural and political meanings.
19 minFREEGeography lessonFree10 CQ
In San Francisco, the area South of Market Street is called SoMa. The part of town North of the Panhandle is known as NoPa. Around the intersection of North Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville, real estate brokers are pitching properties as part of NOBE. An area of downtown Oakland is being branded as KoNo, short for...
with 99% InvisibleIn San Francisco, the area South of Market Street is called SoMa. The part of town North of the Panhandle is known as NoPa. Around the intersection of North Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville, real estate brokers are pitching properties as part of NOBE. An area of downtown Oakland is being branded as KoNo, short for...
18 minFREEGeography lessonFree10 CQ
In 1914, the government of New York City took ownership of a Manhattan apartment building belonging to one David Hess. The city used a legal power called eminent domain, allowing governments to seize private property for public use — in this case they wanted to expand the subway system. Hess fought them and lost, and...
with 99% InvisibleIn 1914, the government of New York City took ownership of a Manhattan apartment building belonging to one David Hess. The city used a legal power called eminent domain, allowing governments to seize private property for public use — in this case they wanted to expand the subway system. Hess fought them and lost, and...
17 minFREEGeography lessonFree9 CQ
It started with some Pittsburgh humor. Pittsburgh-based comedian Tom Musial does a bit about a GPS unit that can give directions in “Pittsburghese.” Because in Pittsburgh, no one calls it “Interstate 376,” it’s “The Parkway.” It’s not “The Liberty Tunnel,” it’s “The Liberty Tubes.” And directions are often given by way of what used to...
with 99% InvisibleIt started with some Pittsburgh humor. Pittsburgh-based comedian Tom Musial does a bit about a GPS unit that can give directions in “Pittsburghese.” Because in Pittsburgh, no one calls it “Interstate 376,” it’s “The Parkway.” It’s not “The Liberty Tunnel,” it’s “The Liberty Tubes.” And directions are often given by way of what used to...
21 minFREEGeography lessonFree11 CQ
A few years ago, reporter Sean Cole was working on a radio story and needed to interview the rapper Busta Rhymes. Sean was living in Boston at the time, so he did a Google search for “Busta Rhymes” and “Boston” to see if Busta had any upcoming shows that Sean could stake out. Google didn’t...
with 99% InvisibleA few years ago, reporter Sean Cole was working on a radio story and needed to interview the rapper Busta Rhymes. Sean was living in Boston at the time, so he did a Google search for “Busta Rhymes” and “Boston” to see if Busta had any upcoming shows that Sean could stake out. Google didn’t...
5 minFREEGeography lessonFree3 CQ
I’m sorry, but if you don’t love maps, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Maps are amazing. They are art and story. A representation of where we are and where we wish we could be. They’ve always had a power over me. Rebecca Solnit’s Infinite City, a new atlas of San Francisco maps,...
with 99% InvisibleI’m sorry, but if you don’t love maps, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Maps are amazing. They are art and story. A representation of where we are and where we wish we could be. They’ve always had a power over me. Rebecca Solnit’s Infinite City, a new atlas of San Francisco maps,...
4 minOutdoors lesson3 CQ
Latitude and longitude is a coordinate system used for finding a place on a global scale. In this lesson for geographers, learn how to read coordinate systems.
with Darron GedgeLatitude and longitude is a coordinate system used for finding a place on a global scale. In this lesson for geographers, learn how to read coordinate systems.
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Clear writing matters because ideas matter! In this comprehensive writing course, learn about brevity, style, grammar, tone, and structure, and use a rubric to evaluate your own writing.
with Stuart Mill EnglishClear writing matters because ideas matter! In this comprehensive writing course, learn about brevity, style, grammar, tone, and structure, and use a rubric to evaluate your own writing.
13160 min13-part Literature course86 CQ
In this course, tour the artistic and literary merits of video games with The Game Professor, including discussions of popular gaming topics and in-depth analyses of four games.
with The Game ProfessorIn this course, tour the artistic and literary merits of video games with The Game Professor, including discussions of popular gaming topics and in-depth analyses of four games.
433 min4-part US History course19 CQ
In this course, Mr. Striplin presents fun history lessons on the first presidents of the United States—Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison— and shows how they shaped America as a nation.
In this course, Mr. Striplin presents fun history lessons on the first presidents of the United States—Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison— and shows how they shaped America as a nation.
1049 min10-part French course31 CQ
Want to learn the basics of French, but not sure where to begin? Get your feet wet in this fun 10 Days of French course designed for beginners. Get your French conversation skills quickly up to speed!
with Parler FrançaisWant to learn the basics of French, but not sure where to begin? Get your feet wet in this fun 10 Days of French course designed for beginners. Get your French conversation skills quickly up to speed!
354 min3-part Philosophy course29 CQ
Do humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
with Gregory SadlerDo humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
314 min3-part World History course9 CQ
In this course, examine the allegiances between nations that created an alliance network across Europe, along with the militarism, nationalism, and imperialism that led to the outbreak of World War I.
with Made From HistoryIn this course, examine the allegiances between nations that created an alliance network across Europe, along with the militarism, nationalism, and imperialism that led to the outbreak of World War I.
774 min7-part World History course40 CQ
Rabbi Troster of GreenFaith covers the history of how the compilation of significant disparate cultural views and purposes into the Torah and Tanakh changed life in ancient Israel.
Rabbi Troster of GreenFaith covers the history of how the compilation of significant disparate cultural views and purposes into the Torah and Tanakh changed life in ancient Israel.
735 min7-part World History course21 CQ
Are you wondering how Germany transitioned from a confederation of states into a unified empire? Review German history in this course, discussing the German struggle for democracy in the 19th century.
with Hendrik GodbersenAre you wondering how Germany transitioned from a confederation of states into a unified empire? Review German history in this course, discussing the German struggle for democracy in the 19th century.
735 min7-part World History course21 CQ
Martin Luther’s Reformation created a wave of historical change in Europe, including a series of important events (after the year 1500) that originated in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
with Hendrik GodbersenMartin Luther’s Reformation created a wave of historical change in Europe, including a series of important events (after the year 1500) that originated in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
1057 min10-part World History course34 CQ
Discover the history of East Asia from the Opium Wars, to the British handover of Hong Kong to China, to the Cultural Revolution, in this world history course on the late modern historical period!
with Hendrik GodbersenDiscover the history of East Asia from the Opium Wars, to the British handover of Hong Kong to China, to the Cultural Revolution, in this world history course on the late modern historical period!