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1264 min12-part Philosophy course38 CQ
Philosophy is one of the oldest disciplines in existence and is the vessel for discussions about miracles, gods, and religion - among other things. Over the course of 12 lessons, learn about the history, types and notable characters of the study of philosophy. Plato Footnote delves into the science of philosophy, the philosophy of science, and how separate science and philosophy really are. Learn basics like “what is philosophy?” (literally the ‘love of wisdom’) to subjects like neuroethics, metaphysics, and reductionism.
with Plato FootnotePhilosophy is one of the oldest disciplines in existence and is the vessel for discussions about miracles, gods, and religion - among other things. Over the course of 12 lessons, learn about the history, types and notable characters of the study of philosophy. Plato Footnote delves into the science of philosophy, the philosophy of science, and how separate science and philosophy really are. Learn basics like “what is philosophy?” (literally the ‘love of wisdom’) to subjects like neuroethics, metaphysics, and reductionism.
354 min3-part Philosophy course29 CQ
Do humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
with Gregory SadlerDo humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
516 min5-part Philosophy course10 CQ
Discover the philosophical foundations of U.S. government, including the history of John Locke, Montesquieu's influence, the difference between executive order and law, and unconstitutional actions.
with Peter HolmDiscover the philosophical foundations of U.S. government, including the history of John Locke, Montesquieu's influence, the difference between executive order and law, and unconstitutional actions.
452 min4-part Literature course27 CQ
In this course on the intersection of philosophy and literature, examine a classic of Existentialist lit: Jean-Paul Sartre's classic short story, "The Wall."
with Gregory SadlerIn this course on the intersection of philosophy and literature, examine a classic of Existentialist lit: Jean-Paul Sartre's classic short story, "The Wall."
7100 min7-part Philosophy course54 CQ
In Plato's dialogue, The Meno, Socrates and Meno discuss the nature of moral virtue, recollection, and who (if anyone) can teach virtue. Discover this key philosophy text in this course!
with Gregory SadlerIn Plato's dialogue, The Meno, Socrates and Meno discuss the nature of moral virtue, recollection, and who (if anyone) can teach virtue. Discover this key philosophy text in this course!
453 min4-part Philosophy course29 CQ
One of Plato's shortest dialogues, the Ion, grapples with whether authors or interpreters of literature possess knowledge, or divine inspiration. Discover this work of philosophy in this brief course!
with Gregory SadlerOne of Plato's shortest dialogues, the Ion, grapples with whether authors or interpreters of literature possess knowledge, or divine inspiration. Discover this work of philosophy in this brief course!
862 min8-part Philosophy course34 CQ
Learn the basics of ethics with Todd McLeod. With simple definitions and reflections on philosophical topics, this is an excellent starting point for anyone newly interested in ethics and morality.
with Todd McLeodLearn the basics of ethics with Todd McLeod. With simple definitions and reflections on philosophical topics, this is an excellent starting point for anyone newly interested in ethics and morality.
16342 min16-part Philosophy course180 CQ
In this comprehensive 16-part course from Professor Gregory Sadler on the philosophy of religion, learn all about the nature of religion, arguments for and against the existence of God, and much more.
with Gregory SadlerIn this comprehensive 16-part course from Professor Gregory Sadler on the philosophy of religion, learn all about the nature of religion, arguments for and against the existence of God, and much more.
3 minFREEPhilosophy Nerdy CurioFree2 CQ
What do philosophical zombies share with their horror movie counterparts? What about artificial intelligence? Find out in today's Nerdy Curio from Engines of our Ingenuity.
What do philosophical zombies share with their horror movie counterparts? What about artificial intelligence? Find out in today's Nerdy Curio from Engines of our Ingenuity.
17 minFREEPhilosophy lessonFree9 CQ
Pepper spray, tasers, tear gas, rubber bullets -- these "non-lethal" weapons are being used by more and more local police forces, as well as military forces brought in to control civilian crowds and other situations. Despite their name, non-lethal weapons have been known to cause deaths ... and as Stephen Coleman suggests, there are other, more insidious hazards as well. He explores the complex ethics -- and the unexpected consequences -- of using non-lethal weapons to control civilians.
with Stephen ColemanPepper spray, tasers, tear gas, rubber bullets -- these "non-lethal" weapons are being used by more and more local police forces, as well as military forces brought in to control civilian crowds and other situations. Despite their name, non-lethal weapons have been known to cause deaths ... and as Stephen Coleman suggests, there are other, more insidious hazards as well. He explores the complex ethics -- and the unexpected consequences -- of using non-lethal weapons to control civilians.
23 minFREEPhilosophy lessonFree12 CQ
Questions of good and evil, right and wrong are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But Sam Harris argues that science can -- and should -- be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values and setting out what constitutes a good life.
with Sam HarrisQuestions of good and evil, right and wrong are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But Sam Harris argues that science can -- and should -- be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values and setting out what constitutes a good life.
18 minFREEPhilosophy lessonFree10 CQ
Can two countries at war dare to empathize with one another? Step by methodical step, sociologist Sam Richards gives his audience an extraordinary challenge: to allow a group of (mainly) Americans to understand -- not approve of, but understand -- the motivations of an Iraqi insurgent. A powerful talk.
with Sam RichardsCan two countries at war dare to empathize with one another? Step by methodical step, sociologist Sam Richards gives his audience an extraordinary challenge: to allow a group of (mainly) Americans to understand -- not approve of, but understand -- the motivations of an Iraqi insurgent. A powerful talk.
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Clear writing matters because ideas matter! In this comprehensive writing course, learn about brevity, style, grammar, tone, and structure, and use a rubric to evaluate your own writing.
with Stuart Mill EnglishClear writing matters because ideas matter! In this comprehensive writing course, learn about brevity, style, grammar, tone, and structure, and use a rubric to evaluate your own writing.
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In this course, tour the artistic and literary merits of video games with The Game Professor, including discussions of popular gaming topics and in-depth analyses of four games.
with The Game ProfessorIn this course, tour the artistic and literary merits of video games with The Game Professor, including discussions of popular gaming topics and in-depth analyses of four games.
433 min4-part US History course19 CQ
In this course, Mr. Striplin presents fun history lessons on the first presidents of the United States—Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison— and shows how they shaped America as a nation.
In this course, Mr. Striplin presents fun history lessons on the first presidents of the United States—Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison— and shows how they shaped America as a nation.
1049 min10-part French course31 CQ
Want to learn the basics of French, but not sure where to begin? Get your feet wet in this fun 10 Days of French course designed for beginners. Get your French conversation skills quickly up to speed!
with Parler FrançaisWant to learn the basics of French, but not sure where to begin? Get your feet wet in this fun 10 Days of French course designed for beginners. Get your French conversation skills quickly up to speed!
354 min3-part Philosophy course29 CQ
Do humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
with Gregory SadlerDo humans have purpose before they exist? In this philosophy course, learn why Jean-Paul Sartre rejects essence before existence with a detailed look at his essay, "Existentialism Is a Humanism."
657 min6-part Hungarian course32 CQ
This beginning course covers everything from the Hungarian alphabet to Hungarian phonetics and vocabulary, as well as the rules for conjugating verbs and the grammar to construct simple sentences.
with Hungarian ProjectThis beginning course covers everything from the Hungarian alphabet to Hungarian phonetics and vocabulary, as well as the rules for conjugating verbs and the grammar to construct simple sentences.