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Taste of Divine
Cooking healthy meals in American Sign Language

Hi there! I'm Christine, sign language interpreter, author of Taste of Divine, and lover of cooking healthy food at home for my family.

My story:There are so many cooking and recipe vlogs out there that English speakers can enjoy, but unfortunately many of these don't have captions and aren't always very accessible to the Deaf community. So I decided to put two of my passions together: Cooking and ASL.

Who are my courses for? Everyone! Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing-you are ALL welcome! My courses are in ASL, and each one is captioned in English. Whether you use ASL as your primary language, or are a student wanting to enhance your ASL skills and learn some neat healthy cooking tips at the same time, this class is for you! Even if you don't know ASL, you can still follow along.

I love connecting with you. Please feel free to comment on any of the videos if you have a question. And please let me know if you have any suggestions for future videos. I'm all ears! Or umm..."hands".

Profits will be donated to the American Society of Deaf Children, which works to empower families with deaf children and supports full language and communication access. Thank you for your support!


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