Aden F's Enrolled Lessons
2 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree2 CQ
Is poor posture the result of laziness, respiratory issues, or an inflexible spine? Learn about the causes of and treatments for excessive thoracic kyphosis.
with Sam VisnicIs poor posture the result of laziness, respiratory issues, or an inflexible spine? Learn about the causes of and treatments for excessive thoracic kyphosis.
9 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree5 CQ
What is excessive anterior pelvic tilt, and why can it result in back pain? Learn all about the muscles that cause it, and how to help relieve discomfort.
with Sam VisnicWhat is excessive anterior pelvic tilt, and why can it result in back pain? Learn all about the muscles that cause it, and how to help relieve discomfort.
9 minFREEDrawing lessonFree5 CQ
Disappointed by your doodles, and wish you could draw better? Michael is here to show you a great way to practice shapes and improve your drawing skills.
with DrawingTeachersDisappointed by your doodles, and wish you could draw better? Michael is here to show you a great way to practice shapes and improve your drawing skills.
14 minFREEStatistics lessonFree8 CQ
Tackle the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ game from a new angle and learn to solve for pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibria using variables instead of numbers.
with William SpanielTackle the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ game from a new angle and learn to solve for pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibria using variables instead of numbers.
9 minFREEStatistics lessonFree5 CQ
Learn how probability distributions affect advanced strategic form game theory puzzles, and how to solve the mixed strategy algorithm using variables.
with William SpanielLearn how probability distributions affect advanced strategic form game theory puzzles, and how to solve the mixed strategy algorithm using variables.
7 minFREEStatistics lessonFree4 CQ
You know about backward induction in game theory, which assumes that all future play will be rational. But what about the opposite technique? Learn it here!
with William SpanielYou know about backward induction in game theory, which assumes that all future play will be rational. But what about the opposite technique? Learn it here!
5 minBiology lesson3 CQ
Your blood type may have nothing to with your day-to-day life, but it is important information that everyone should know. Learn how to type your blood at home!
with Myles PowerYour blood type may have nothing to with your day-to-day life, but it is important information that everyone should know. Learn how to type your blood at home!
11 minFREEStatistics lessonFree6 CQ
Learn about the mathematical modeling of game theory scenarios, and see why real players don't always follow the solution suggested by backward induction.
with William SpanielLearn about the mathematical modeling of game theory scenarios, and see why real players don't always follow the solution suggested by backward induction.
4 minFREEStatistics lessonFree3 CQ
Discover the Centipede Game, a game theory conundrum where the inability of players to credibly commit prevents a high payoff ... in theory. But in practice?
with William SpanielDiscover the Centipede Game, a game theory conundrum where the inability of players to credibly commit prevents a high payoff ... in theory. But in practice?
5 minFREEStatistics lessonFree3 CQ
Commitment problems getting you down? Follow along with this game theory lesson to see how commitment problems can explain inefficient outcomes in real life.
with William SpanielCommitment problems getting you down? Follow along with this game theory lesson to see how commitment problems can explain inefficient outcomes in real life.