The past 220+ years have shown a whirlwind of change to the United States of America since the Constitution was ratified in 1788. New ideals took root in the United States never before employed on such a large scale anywhere else in the world. The complexities of the American system of government have been forgotten by many over the past two centuries. Now we are taking the time with the Mal Partisan Project to shed light on key historical events & philosophies buried in our storied past.
The Mal Partisan Project (named for its purposeful lack of a partisan focus) has been created to break down complex philosophical ideals enshrined within the Constitution of the United States in a simplified manner meant to allow average people to understand what it means to be free.
We discuss some the key historical events that impacted the rise of the United States, the structure of American government, Constitutional philosophies, individual rights, and more.
We hope you enjoy our content; and we look forward to educating you all! Take care; and, happy learning!
516 min5-part Philosophy course10 CQ
Discover the philosophical foundations of U.S. government, including the history of John Locke, Montesquieu's influence, the difference between executive order and law, and unconstitutional actions.
with Peter HolmDiscover the philosophical foundations of U.S. government, including the history of John Locke, Montesquieu's influence, the difference between executive order and law, and unconstitutional actions.
723 min7-part Political Science course14 CQ
Learn how our country's founders developed laws based on historical examples and trusted philosophies, and discover how the Bill of Rights makes our legislation about civil rights more comprehensive.
with Peter HolmLearn how our country's founders developed laws based on historical examples and trusted philosophies, and discover how the Bill of Rights makes our legislation about civil rights more comprehensive.
824 min8-part Political Science course16 CQ
If you enjoy discussing opinions about the U.S. Constitution, and whether democracies are better than republics, this course from The Mal Partisan Project is great food for thought.
with Peter HolmIf you enjoy discussing opinions about the U.S. Constitution, and whether democracies are better than republics, this course from The Mal Partisan Project is great food for thought.
413 min4-part Political Science course8 CQ
Mal Partisan discusses important historical mileposts in the development of our country's governing systems, and poses questions about the role of the state as a powerful entity.
with Peter HolmMal Partisan discusses important historical mileposts in the development of our country's governing systems, and poses questions about the role of the state as a powerful entity.
515 min5-part Political Science course10 CQ
In this thought-provoking course with Mal Partisan, discover the founders' intention behind the legislative, executive and judicial branches, and how checks, balances, and gridlock protect the people.
with Peter HolmIn this thought-provoking course with Mal Partisan, discover the founders' intention behind the legislative, executive and judicial branches, and how checks, balances, and gridlock protect the people.
413 min4-part Political Science course8 CQ
Learn why Americans are citizens not subjects. Discover the relationship between government & the people. Study voting privileges, & review considerations to take when selecting an elected official.
with Peter HolmLearn why Americans are citizens not subjects. Discover the relationship between government & the people. Study voting privileges, & review considerations to take when selecting an elected official.