Learn a new language with us. We make short video-lessons in English, Spanish and French.
All Lessons by The Language Space
3 minFREEGuitar lessonFree2 CQ
Mastering the pronunciation of the Spanish vowel isn’t as tricky as it may sound. Confidently speak Spanish in no time with a little help from this lesson.
with The Language SpaceMastering the pronunciation of the Spanish vowel isn’t as tricky as it may sound. Confidently speak Spanish in no time with a little help from this lesson.
10 minSpanish lesson6 CQ
Need to brush up on your Spanish pronunciation? Sound like a native speaker with this A to Z overview of how to pronounce Spanish letters.
with The Language SpaceNeed to brush up on your Spanish pronunciation? Sound like a native speaker with this A to Z overview of how to pronounce Spanish letters.
4 minSpanish lesson3 CQ
Although learning Spanish subject pronouns may seem intimidating, this lesson is surprising accessible by breaking it down both orally and visually.
with The Language SpaceAlthough learning Spanish subject pronouns may seem intimidating, this lesson is surprising accessible by breaking it down both orally and visually.
3 minSpanish lesson2 CQ
There’s oodles of fun ways to say hello or goodbye in Spanish. Learn how to use them appropriately and interchangeably in this accessible lesson.
with The Language SpaceThere’s oodles of fun ways to say hello or goodbye in Spanish. Learn how to use them appropriately and interchangeably in this accessible lesson.
3 minSpanish lesson2 CQ
In this lesson, learn how to count from 1 to 20 in Spanish and discover how noun gender plays a role in speaking the language. Perfect for Spanish beginners!
with The Language SpaceIn this lesson, learn how to count from 1 to 20 in Spanish and discover how noun gender plays a role in speaking the language. Perfect for Spanish beginners!
5 minSpanish lesson3 CQ
The Language Space covers the basics of Spanish verbs in this lesson, providing in-depth illustrations by demonstrating how to use the verb for "to have".
with The Language SpaceThe Language Space covers the basics of Spanish verbs in this lesson, providing in-depth illustrations by demonstrating how to use the verb for "to have".
4 minFREEESL lessonFree3 CQ
In this lesson, long English vowels are introduced by The Language Space using the International Phonetic Alphabet and accurate audio examples.
with The Language SpaceIn this lesson, long English vowels are introduced by The Language Space using the International Phonetic Alphabet and accurate audio examples.
4 minESL lesson3 CQ
Using the International Phonetic Alphabet and accurate audio pronunciations, The Language Space introduces each English consonant in this lesson.
with The Language SpaceUsing the International Phonetic Alphabet and accurate audio pronunciations, The Language Space introduces each English consonant in this lesson.
3 minSpanish lesson2 CQ
In this lesson, The Language Space goes over all the ways to ask “How are you?” as well as how to respond, whether you are doing good, bad, or, even, just ok.
with The Language SpaceIn this lesson, The Language Space goes over all the ways to ask “How are you?” as well as how to respond, whether you are doing good, bad, or, even, just ok.
2 minESL lesson2 CQ
Now that you understand short vowels, learn how to pronounce long vowels in English in this lesson. Review E, A, and O, and practice along with audio examples.
with The Language SpaceNow that you understand short vowels, learn how to pronounce long vowels in English in this lesson. Review E, A, and O, and practice along with audio examples.