Deb M's Enrolled Lessons
6 minFREESinging lessonFree4 CQ
Want to learn how to sing licks? You have to know where to start. This tutorial provides a few famous runs to practice from Mariah Carey & Brian McKnight.
with Vocal EdgeWant to learn how to sing licks? You have to know where to start. This tutorial provides a few famous runs to practice from Mariah Carey & Brian McKnight.
6 minCrafts lesson4 CQ
Need a new folder to hold all of your most important papers? Sophie shows you how to make a sturdy, binder-ready pocket out of duct tape fabric.
with Sophie's WorldNeed a new folder to hold all of your most important papers? Sophie shows you how to make a sturdy, binder-ready pocket out of duct tape fabric.
3 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
Time to make the comfiest blanket imaginable! In this lesson, create a No-Sew Fleece Blanket. All you need are scissors, a marker, and fleece!
with Curious .Time to make the comfiest blanket imaginable! In this lesson, create a No-Sew Fleece Blanket. All you need are scissors, a marker, and fleece!
1 minFREECrafts lessonFree1 CQ
Wrap it up and put a bow on it! Tie a picture-perfect bow that is even, flat, and taut with help from this lesson. This method also can be used tying shoelaces!
with Savoring The GoodWrap it up and put a bow on it! Tie a picture-perfect bow that is even, flat, and taut with help from this lesson. This method also can be used tying shoelaces!
4 minFREECrafts lessonFree3 CQ
Are you looking for a vibrant art project? In this lesson, Creative & Curious demonstrates how a hairdryer can help create a crayon melt masterpiece!
with Gypsea ProductionsAre you looking for a vibrant art project? In this lesson, Creative & Curious demonstrates how a hairdryer can help create a crayon melt masterpiece!
2 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree2 CQ
Do you have trouble remembering what you had for breakfast yesterday? Learn how to improve your memory and brain power In this lesson from Mridu Parikh!
with Mridu ParikhDo you have trouble remembering what you had for breakfast yesterday? Learn how to improve your memory and brain power In this lesson from Mridu Parikh!
2 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree2 CQ
Feeling out of control because stuff isn't getting done? In this lesson, learn how to stay focused using four simple steps, and get your life back on track!
with Mridu ParikhFeeling out of control because stuff isn't getting done? In this lesson, learn how to stay focused using four simple steps, and get your life back on track!
9 minFREEDrawing lessonFree5 CQ
Disappointed by your doodles, and wish you could draw better? Michael is here to show you a great way to practice shapes and improve your drawing skills.
with DrawingTeachersDisappointed by your doodles, and wish you could draw better? Michael is here to show you a great way to practice shapes and improve your drawing skills.
6 minFREEMemory lessonFree4 CQ
Tired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
with Es EinsteiniumTired of forgetting things? Nearly everyone wants a better memory, especially for exams. This lesson will show you easy techniques for improving your memory.
2 minFREEHousehold lessonFree2 CQ
Are your shoes stinky and embarrassing? Learn how to transform your dirty, smelly shoes into a perfectly fresh pair without even leaving home.
with Dress Jess XOAre your shoes stinky and embarrassing? Learn how to transform your dirty, smelly shoes into a perfectly fresh pair without even leaving home.