Richard S's Enrolled Lessons
7 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree4 CQ
In this lesson, learn a valuable skill that can help you erect a shelter in minutes. Covered are the steps for setting up a ridgeline between two trees.
with PA Wilderness SkillsIn this lesson, learn a valuable skill that can help you erect a shelter in minutes. Covered are the steps for setting up a ridgeline between two trees.
11 minFREECamping lessonFree6 CQ
Knowing how to use a compass and map are essential wilderness skills. Learn step-by-step how to use each to get your bearing and navigate the outdoors.
with Black Owl OutdoorsKnowing how to use a compass and map are essential wilderness skills. Learn step-by-step how to use each to get your bearing and navigate the outdoors.
9 minDIY lesson5 CQ
In this DIY lesson, musician and teacher Kennis Russell shows how to make in-ear headphone molds that won’t fall out, and will block out surrounding noise.
with Kennis RussellIn this DIY lesson, musician and teacher Kennis Russell shows how to make in-ear headphone molds that won’t fall out, and will block out surrounding noise.
12 minFREEGames lessonFree7 CQ
Want to improve your blackjack game in minutes? Learn how to use the basic blackjack strategy guide, a.k.a. “The Book,” to make low-risk choices at the table.
with Vegas AcesWant to improve your blackjack game in minutes? Learn how to use the basic blackjack strategy guide, a.k.a. “The Book,” to make low-risk choices at the table.
22 minFREEGames lessonFree12 CQ
The Rubik’s Cube: it may be a child’s toy, but it’s not child’s play! Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube, and master of one of the most enduring math puzzles!
with Curious .The Rubik’s Cube: it may be a child’s toy, but it’s not child’s play! Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube, and master of one of the most enduring math puzzles!
1 minHousehold lesson1 CQ
Learn the surprising, simple trick for folding a fitted bed sheet. Plus, learn a storage trick so you can always find a sheet set. No more messy fitted sheets!
with Savoring The GoodLearn the surprising, simple trick for folding a fitted bed sheet. Plus, learn a storage trick so you can always find a sheet set. No more messy fitted sheets!
3 minFitness lesson2 CQ
If you need some exercise to revitalize your mind, try this lesson and learn yoga poses that create mind-body alignment, increase brain power, and help focus.
with Sean Vigue FitnessIf you need some exercise to revitalize your mind, try this lesson and learn yoga poses that create mind-body alignment, increase brain power, and help focus.
9 minFREEMarriage lessonFree5 CQ
In this lesson, expand the notion of "relationships" to include family and social connections, and learn the essential qualities of all healthy relationships.
with Jody Andrews, LMFTIn this lesson, expand the notion of "relationships" to include family and social connections, and learn the essential qualities of all healthy relationships.
2 minFREEGardening lessonFree2 CQ
Protect your tomato plants from wild weather, pets, or weak stalks by constructing these homemade tomato cages. Don't settle for flimsy store-bought versions!
with Savoring The GoodProtect your tomato plants from wild weather, pets, or weak stalks by constructing these homemade tomato cages. Don't settle for flimsy store-bought versions!
2 minFREElessonFree2 CQ
Don't give away an old sweater just because it has a bunch of sweater pills. With a cheap disposable razor you can make it look good as new!
with The Green WorkbenchDon't give away an old sweater just because it has a bunch of sweater pills. With a cheap disposable razor you can make it look good as new!