Olufunmiso P's Enrolled Lessons
3 minFREEMusic lessonFree2 CQ
Want to learn an awesome new exercise to use as a singing warm up? Check out the Falling Tree! It works out the body and the voice at the same time!
with Wake Up Your VoiceWant to learn an awesome new exercise to use as a singing warm up? Check out the Falling Tree! It works out the body and the voice at the same time!
11 minFREESinging lessonFree6 CQ
In this lesson, Karo Glazer describes the similarities between the way your voice and a guitar work as instruments, and explains vocal registers.
with Wake Up Your VoiceIn this lesson, Karo Glazer describes the similarities between the way your voice and a guitar work as instruments, and explains vocal registers.
15 minCooking lesson8 CQ
Leave no camper hungry or thirsty! Sunset Magazine reveals 10 things you must know about providing food and drinks for your fellow adventurers.
with Sunset SeminarsLeave no camper hungry or thirsty! Sunset Magazine reveals 10 things you must know about providing food and drinks for your fellow adventurers.
6 minCooking lesson4 CQ
Let’s get back to kitchen basics. This lesson from Angela Marinelli shows you how to chop and dice an onion to perfection. Get your sharpest knife ready!
with Angela MarinelliLet’s get back to kitchen basics. This lesson from Angela Marinelli shows you how to chop and dice an onion to perfection. Get your sharpest knife ready!
2 minFREETravel lessonFree2 CQ
In this quick lesson, learn some dos and don’ts of how to dress when traveling. These travel tips will keep you comfortable and fashionable from gate to gate.
with How 2 TravelersIn this quick lesson, learn some dos and don’ts of how to dress when traveling. These travel tips will keep you comfortable and fashionable from gate to gate.
5 minFREEGardening lessonFree3 CQ
Did you know that your coffee grounds could be quite useful in the garden? Learn how to reuse grounds in your compost piles, mulch, and soil.
with One Yard RevolutionDid you know that your coffee grounds could be quite useful in the garden? Learn how to reuse grounds in your compost piles, mulch, and soil.
4 minFREEDogs lessonFree3 CQ
A dog may be man’s best friend, but he isn’t always a well-behaved buddy. Learn how positive reinforcement can help you train your canine companion.
with Curious .A dog may be man’s best friend, but he isn’t always a well-behaved buddy. Learn how positive reinforcement can help you train your canine companion.
2 minCrafts lesson2 CQ
Learn how to make a clock from an old record! All you need is an old record, a clock works, a drill and about 15 minutes. It’s a great, nostalgic gift.
with The Green WorkbenchLearn how to make a clock from an old record! All you need is an old record, a clock works, a drill and about 15 minutes. It’s a great, nostalgic gift.
17 minFREEMicrosoft Office lessonFree9 CQ
Show off your slideshow skills with this tutorial in the basics of PowerPoint! Learn to create a professional presentation (or just a fun one).
with Motion TrainingShow off your slideshow skills with this tutorial in the basics of PowerPoint! Learn to create a professional presentation (or just a fun one).
6 minFREESign Language lessonFree4 CQ
If you love languages, then this lesson is going to be an eye opener! As a new student of American Sign Language, learn simple signs and basic sentences.
with SignwithkristaIf you love languages, then this lesson is going to be an eye opener! As a new student of American Sign Language, learn simple signs and basic sentences.