Katie H's Enrolled Lessons
12 minFitness lesson7 CQ
Improve posture and balance with non-strenuous exercises that help joint alignment and range of motion. Good posture & balance are essential to healthy living.
with Kiira LawsonImprove posture and balance with non-strenuous exercises that help joint alignment and range of motion. Good posture & balance are essential to healthy living.
33 minDance lesson17 CQ
Do you want to be a Barre B? This ballet inspired workout routine tones your stomach, arms, and legs, but is low impact enough for everyday!
with Kiira LawsonDo you want to be a Barre B? This ballet inspired workout routine tones your stomach, arms, and legs, but is low impact enough for everyday!
17 minFitness lesson9 CQ
The second lesson in this Pilates 24/7 series from Kira focuses on stretching and strengthening, from preliminary stretches to ab and leg work.
with Kiira LawsonThe second lesson in this Pilates 24/7 series from Kira focuses on stretching and strengthening, from preliminary stretches to ab and leg work.
15 minFitness lesson8 CQ
In lesson 3 of this Pilates series by Kira, you'll work your abs, arms (triceps), back, glutes, legs, and more. This exercise routine is for any age or level.
with Kiira LawsonIn lesson 3 of this Pilates series by Kira, you'll work your abs, arms (triceps), back, glutes, legs, and more. This exercise routine is for any age or level.
21 minFREEFitness lessonFree11 CQ
Welcome to the first lesson of Kira's Pilates 24/7 series. Work your core, improve your flexibility, strengthen your arms and build long and lean muscles!
with Kiira LawsonWelcome to the first lesson of Kira's Pilates 24/7 series. Work your core, improve your flexibility, strengthen your arms and build long and lean muscles!
15 minFitness lesson8 CQ
Lesson 4 of the series by Kira presents a great Pilates session with plenty of leg, arm, ab and oblique exercises, as well as favorite Pilates stretches.
with Kiira LawsonLesson 4 of the series by Kira presents a great Pilates session with plenty of leg, arm, ab and oblique exercises, as well as favorite Pilates stretches.
19 minFitness lesson10 CQ
In this fifth Pilates lesson of a series by Kira, you’ll do some difficult leg and ab work while enjoying classical music and an outdoor setting.
with Kiira LawsonIn this fifth Pilates lesson of a series by Kira, you’ll do some difficult leg and ab work while enjoying classical music and an outdoor setting.
16 minFitness lesson9 CQ
This awesome Pilates routine works your inner thighs, outer thighs, glutes, and all of those swimsuit muscles that you want ready by summertime.
with Kiira LawsonThis awesome Pilates routine works your inner thighs, outer thighs, glutes, and all of those swimsuit muscles that you want ready by summertime.
17 minFitness lesson9 CQ
Lesson eight - the last in Kira’s Pilates series - incorporates Pilates principles such as ab work, leg exercises and lengthening stretches.
with Kiira LawsonLesson eight - the last in Kira’s Pilates series - incorporates Pilates principles such as ab work, leg exercises and lengthening stretches.
16 minFitness lesson9 CQ
This fun sixth Pilates session in a series includes lengthening and toning for your legs, ab and arm exercises, and stretching for flexibility.
with Kiira LawsonThis fun sixth Pilates session in a series includes lengthening and toning for your legs, ab and arm exercises, and stretching for flexibility.