Cruzmaribel L's Enrolled Lessons
12 minFREEGardening lessonFree7 CQ
Interested in cultivating a container garden? Sunset Magazine breaks down which containers to use and how to set up drainage and irrigation systems.
with Sunset SeminarsInterested in cultivating a container garden? Sunset Magazine breaks down which containers to use and how to set up drainage and irrigation systems.
5 minFREESinging lessonFree3 CQ
Frog in your throat but a song in your heart? Learn these quick tips to fight a cold and rescue your voice when you're sick before a singing performance.
with Vocal EdgeFrog in your throat but a song in your heart? Learn these quick tips to fight a cold and rescue your voice when you're sick before a singing performance.
3 minFREECrafts lessonFree2 CQ
What’s a natural skin moisturizer you can grow in your own backyard? The aloe vera plant! Learn how to harvest aloe vera leaves and use their gel.
with Skincare With FoodWhat’s a natural skin moisturizer you can grow in your own backyard? The aloe vera plant! Learn how to harvest aloe vera leaves and use their gel.
8 minFREEClothes Making lessonFree5 CQ
Don't despair if you're favorite pair of pants is on its last legs. This lesson teaches you to create a pattern using your most beloved trousers!
with Des SwagsDon't despair if you're favorite pair of pants is on its last legs. This lesson teaches you to create a pattern using your most beloved trousers!
7 minClothes Making lesson4 CQ
You've created a pattern from your fave pants, now get ready to sew! Follow Des Swags' lead as she begins to sew a pair of trousers from a DIY pattern.
with Des SwagsYou've created a pattern from your fave pants, now get ready to sew! Follow Des Swags' lead as she begins to sew a pair of trousers from a DIY pattern.
5 minGardening lesson3 CQ
Want to plant a container garden, but don’t have lots of room? Sunset Magazine shows you their favorite vertical container gardening product: Plantasy.
with Sunset SeminarsWant to plant a container garden, but don’t have lots of room? Sunset Magazine shows you their favorite vertical container gardening product: Plantasy.
4 minFREEESL lessonFree3 CQ
English has so many irregular spellings, it’s impossible to remember them through rules alone! Learn how to use memory tricks to improve your spelling.
with How to SpellEnglish has so many irregular spellings, it’s impossible to remember them through rules alone! Learn how to use memory tricks to improve your spelling.
3 minFREECooking lessonFree2 CQ
With a quick whirl of your blender, you can make fresh homemade hummus, flavored just the way you like it -- from a can of garbanzos to a meal in minutes.
With a quick whirl of your blender, you can make fresh homemade hummus, flavored just the way you like it -- from a can of garbanzos to a meal in minutes.
9 minFREEMicrosoft Office lessonFree5 CQ
Interested in learning about Microsoft Excel 2010? This tutorial covers how to use Excel, how to edit and format spreadsheets, and how to create basic charts.
with Motion TrainingInterested in learning about Microsoft Excel 2010? This tutorial covers how to use Excel, how to edit and format spreadsheets, and how to create basic charts.
3 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree2 CQ
Correct excessive anterior pelvic tilt, improve your upper body posture, and stretch your legs, all with one move! Check out the kneeling hip flexor stretch.
with Sam VisnicCorrect excessive anterior pelvic tilt, improve your upper body posture, and stretch your legs, all with one move! Check out the kneeling hip flexor stretch.