Suzanne L's Enrolled Lessons
14 minFREEAcrylic Painting lessonFree8 CQ
Artist April Numamoto demonstrates how to combine multiple colors on a brush to paint vines, one stroke leaves, double stroke leaves, ferns, and wiggle leaves.
with April NumamotoArtist April Numamoto demonstrates how to combine multiple colors on a brush to paint vines, one stroke leaves, double stroke leaves, ferns, and wiggle leaves.
1 minFREEParkour lessonFree1 CQ
Parkour is an interpretative and playful way to interact with your environment. Learn how to execute a perfect parkour cat grab in this lesson from Zoic Nation.
with Zoic NationParkour is an interpretative and playful way to interact with your environment. Learn how to execute a perfect parkour cat grab in this lesson from Zoic Nation.
4 minFREECrafts lessonFree3 CQ
Welcome, beginning watercolor painters, to a four-part series on practicing textures and color mixing on a forgiving canvas: the versatile sunflower.
with Angela FehrWelcome, beginning watercolor painters, to a four-part series on practicing textures and color mixing on a forgiving canvas: the versatile sunflower.
6 minFREEFitness lessonFree4 CQ
Ready for more cardio dance workouts? Follow along with fitness and dance instructor Reena Vokoun during this Latin and Bollywood inspired dance lesson.
with Passion FitReady for more cardio dance workouts? Follow along with fitness and dance instructor Reena Vokoun during this Latin and Bollywood inspired dance lesson.
6 minFREEFitness lessonFree4 CQ
Looking for a fun and exciting way to stay fit? Check out this introductory hip hop dance lesson from fitness and dance instructor Reena Vokoun of Passion Fit.
with Passion FitLooking for a fun and exciting way to stay fit? Check out this introductory hip hop dance lesson from fitness and dance instructor Reena Vokoun of Passion Fit.
2 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree2 CQ
Lost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
with Roadside NatureLost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
11 minFREESinging lessonFree6 CQ
In this lesson, Karo Glazer describes the similarities between the way your voice and a guitar work as instruments, and explains vocal registers.
with Wake Up Your VoiceIn this lesson, Karo Glazer describes the similarities between the way your voice and a guitar work as instruments, and explains vocal registers.
10 minFREEAcrylic Painting lessonFree6 CQ
In this information-packed acrylic painting lesson with painter Mark Waller, learn how to paint tropical water using only four colors! It's surprisingly easy.
with Mark WallerIn this information-packed acrylic painting lesson with painter Mark Waller, learn how to paint tropical water using only four colors! It's surprisingly easy.