JJ’s life-long interest in nature, travel, and teaching led him to a career in natural resources that included jobs as a park ranger, forester, university instructor, and international advisor. He has taught field techniques, including land navigation, botany, forestry, hydrology, GIS and GPS, and other outdoor and land conservation skills throughout the U.S. and in some more off the beaten path locations in Central America, Asia, and Africa. He returned to the American Southwest in February 2013 where he works to restore desert ecosystems and share the wonders of the natural world through his writing, photography, teaching, and guided tours.
All Lessons by Roadside Nature
2 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree2 CQ
Lost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
with Roadside NatureLost in the woods? No need to resort to trails of bread crumbs! Learn the correct way to hold, use, and read a compass to find your way home.
3 minOutdoors lesson2 CQ
What’s the difference between true north and magnetic north? Declination. Learn the importance of magnetic declination for navigating with a compass.
with Roadside NatureWhat’s the difference between true north and magnetic north? Declination. Learn the importance of magnetic declination for navigating with a compass.
3 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree2 CQ
Learn how to navigate using a compass instead of a GPS. In this lesson from Roadside Nature, discover how to determine location by township, range, and section.
with Roadside NatureLearn how to navigate using a compass instead of a GPS. In this lesson from Roadside Nature, discover how to determine location by township, range, and section.
3 minOutdoors lesson2 CQ
Technology makes life easy—until it fails. In this lesson from Roadside Nature, learn how to navigate by reading and using map scales.
with Roadside NatureTechnology makes life easy—until it fails. In this lesson from Roadside Nature, learn how to navigate by reading and using map scales.
1 minFREEOutdoors lessonFree1 CQ
Going somewhere? Check out this lesson and find out how to plot a course with your compass. Orient the lines to true north and start hiking!
with Roadside NatureGoing somewhere? Check out this lesson and find out how to plot a course with your compass. Orient the lines to true north and start hiking!