Celia M's Enrolled Lessons
12 minFitness lesson7 CQ
This intermediate workout session will fit into your busy day and incorporates hand-picked favorite exercises that focus on upper, lower, and oblique abs.
with Kiira LawsonThis intermediate workout session will fit into your busy day and incorporates hand-picked favorite exercises that focus on upper, lower, and oblique abs.
34 minFitness lesson18 CQ
This flowing and balanced Pilates mat lesson will give your muscles a wonderful workout using only your body weight. Work on arms, legs, core and posture!
with Kiira LawsonThis flowing and balanced Pilates mat lesson will give your muscles a wonderful workout using only your body weight. Work on arms, legs, core and posture!
29 minFitness lesson15 CQ
Want to invigorate your core without letting other muscle groups fall by the wayside? Kira Elste guides you through this core-heavy full-body Pilates routine.
with Kiira LawsonWant to invigorate your core without letting other muscle groups fall by the wayside? Kira Elste guides you through this core-heavy full-body Pilates routine.
18 minFitness lesson10 CQ
This workout from Pilates and ballet instructor Kira Elste combines medium-intensity core, balance, and leg exercises to get you ready for skiing season.
with Kiira LawsonThis workout from Pilates and ballet instructor Kira Elste combines medium-intensity core, balance, and leg exercises to get you ready for skiing season.
17 minDance lesson9 CQ
Discover the beautiful movement that your body is capable of! Follow along with this intermediate ballet barre routine, followed by a short Pilates workout.
with Kiira LawsonDiscover the beautiful movement that your body is capable of! Follow along with this intermediate ballet barre routine, followed by a short Pilates workout.
19 minFitness lesson10 CQ
In this fifth Pilates lesson of a series by Kira, you’ll do some difficult leg and ab work while enjoying classical music and an outdoor setting.
with Kiira LawsonIn this fifth Pilates lesson of a series by Kira, you’ll do some difficult leg and ab work while enjoying classical music and an outdoor setting.
15 minFitness lesson8 CQ
Lesson 4 of the series by Kira presents a great Pilates session with plenty of leg, arm, ab and oblique exercises, as well as favorite Pilates stretches.
with Kiira LawsonLesson 4 of the series by Kira presents a great Pilates session with plenty of leg, arm, ab and oblique exercises, as well as favorite Pilates stretches.
11 minAcrylic Painting lesson6 CQ
In part two of this four-part series from professional painter Ben Saber, continue working on your forest scene at sunset by defining the foreground.
with Ben SaberIn part two of this four-part series from professional painter Ben Saber, continue working on your forest scene at sunset by defining the foreground.
5 minCooking lesson3 CQ
Love combining sweet and savory flavors? Learn how to make stuffed acorn squash filled with potato curry. Perfect for the vegan or vegetarian in your life!
with Eating to LiveLove combining sweet and savory flavors? Learn how to make stuffed acorn squash filled with potato curry. Perfect for the vegan or vegetarian in your life!