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The Balanced Runner

Jae Gruenke, GCFP, is a running biomechanics expert and Feldenkrais Practitioner. Known as a “running form guru”, she is the Founder & CEO of The Balanced Runner™ in New York City and The Balanced Runner UK. She has helped runners from beginner to Olympian improve their form to become pain-free, economical, and fast. She specializes in helping those whose problems have not resolved with medical treatment and those transitioning to natural running form, minimalist footwear, and barefoot running.

All Posts by The Balanced Runner
How to be a Healthy Runner

Improving your running technique can keep you in top form -- and help you stay safe. Learn to run in a steady, sustainable way in this course!

I will teach you natural running form, dynamic stretches, and Feldenkrais exercises to care for your body. Learn about proper nutrition, the advantages of barefoot shoes and barefoot running over conventional running shoes, and more. Whether you’re a casual jogger or a triathlete, prevent injury so you can spend more time running!

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

The Balanced Runner

Featured on the Curious Gift Guide for the Health/Fitness Nut

I’m thrilled to be featured on the Curious Gift Guide for the Health/Fitness Nut!

You can now gift How to Be a Healthy Runner to your loved ones (or yourself).

Happy Holidays!
The Balanced Runner

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