At Oh Baby! Fitness, our focus is to give new and expectant moms a place to find support, make friends, get fit and bond with their babies. We offer the widest variety of fitness classes designed to take moms from pregnancy through birth, and then into the toddler years with their child. Our programs allow Mom to get out of the house, get her body back in shape and spend time with baby.
All Lessons by Oh Baby! Fitness
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Just because you've got a bun in the oven doesn't mean you need to give up on working out! Check out this stability ball abdominal sit-up for pregnant women.
with Oh Baby! FitnessJust because you've got a bun in the oven doesn't mean you need to give up on working out! Check out this stability ball abdominal sit-up for pregnant women.
4 minParenting lesson3 CQ
Labor needn't be scary if you practice and prepare. This lesson can help women get ready for childbirth by teaching coordinated breathing and pushing.
with Oh Baby! FitnessLabor needn't be scary if you practice and prepare. This lesson can help women get ready for childbirth by teaching coordinated breathing and pushing.
3 minParenting lesson2 CQ
Strengthen your pelvic floor with two different types of kegel exercises for pregnant women. Kegels during pregnancy can help battle postpartum incontinence.
with Oh Baby! FitnessStrengthen your pelvic floor with two different types of kegel exercises for pregnant women. Kegels during pregnancy can help battle postpartum incontinence.
1 minFREEFitness lessonFree1 CQ
Lose that baby fat with the simple post-pregnancy abdominal exercise known as hollowing. This lesson covers beginning and advanced versions of hollowing.
with Oh Baby! FitnessLose that baby fat with the simple post-pregnancy abdominal exercise known as hollowing. This lesson covers beginning and advanced versions of hollowing.
1 minFREEParenting lessonFree1 CQ
How do you maintain the correct posture during pregnancy? Learn about engaging the interior and lower abdominals to pull the baby up and in.
with Oh Baby! FitnessHow do you maintain the correct posture during pregnancy? Learn about engaging the interior and lower abdominals to pull the baby up and in.
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Suffering from back pain during pregnancy? Find relief with yoga using a cat to cow pelvic tilt. This exercise helps the baby drop away from the lower back.
with Oh Baby! FitnessSuffering from back pain during pregnancy? Find relief with yoga using a cat to cow pelvic tilt. This exercise helps the baby drop away from the lower back.