All Lessons by Dr. Robert Pomahac
6 minNutrition lesson4 CQ
A healthy lifestyle starts with the food you put in your body. Learn how to count carbs, fats, and proteins, and keep a food journal for a healthy diet!
with Dr. Robert PomahacA healthy lifestyle starts with the food you put in your body. Learn how to count carbs, fats, and proteins, and keep a food journal for a healthy diet!
2 minFREEFitness lessonFree2 CQ
Squats are functional exercises that build muscle and make many real-life activities easier. Maximize the benefits by learning how to do squats correctly!
with Dr. Robert PomahacSquats are functional exercises that build muscle and make many real-life activities easier. Maximize the benefits by learning how to do squats correctly!
3 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree2 CQ
Poor posture can lead to chronic pain and other health problems. Learn how to detect posture problems, and improve posture by repositioning your body.
with Dr. Robert PomahacPoor posture can lead to chronic pain and other health problems. Learn how to detect posture problems, and improve posture by repositioning your body.