
  • 7
    45 min
    7-part Networking course
    26 CQ
    Business Networking Strategies
    A 7-part course with Stan Hustad
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    In this professional development course, learn networking tips from business success strategist Stan Hustad, and discover what you've probably been doing wrong when it comes to meeting new contacts.

    In this professional development course, learn networking tips from business success strategist Stan Hustad, and discover what you've probably been doing wrong when it comes to meeting new contacts.

  • 11
    61 min
    11-part Networking course
    37 CQ
    How to Create a Digital Network
    An 11-part course with TJ Walker
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    In this course, discover how to build a digital network by making a solid business model, avoiding blunders, creating graphics, buying technological necessities, and learning to be natural on camera.

    In this course, discover how to build a digital network by making a solid business model, avoiding blunders, creating graphics, buying technological necessities, and learning to be natural on camera.

  • 5
    23 min
    5-part Networking course
    14 CQ
    How to Introduce Yourself
    A 5-part course with TJ Walker
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    Making a first impression is extremely important! In this brief course with media training expert TJ Walker, get tips on how to make a lasting first impression.

    Making a first impression is extremely important! In this brief course with media training expert TJ Walker, get tips on how to make a lasting first impression.

  • 14
    300 min
    14-part Networking course
    156 CQ
    FileMaker Pro Contact Manager
    A 14-part course with John Mark Osborne
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    Want to get organized with a management software that’s easy to use? This course covers how to create and customize a contact manager in FileMaker Pro, and how to keep it consistent and organized.

    Want to get organized with a management software that’s easy to use? This course covers how to create and customize a contact manager in FileMaker Pro, and how to keep it consistent and organized.

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  • 1 min
    Networking lesson
    1 CQ
    Find a business referral partner
    A lesson with Michael Griffiths - Referral Marketing Guru
    View lesson
  • 1 min
    Networking lesson
    1 CQ
    Relax and enjoy networking events
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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  • 5 min
    Confidence lesson
    3 CQ
    Lessons for Job Seekers
    A lesson with Ben Durham
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    Feeling down and out about your struggle to land a job? Perk up with an insightful story and a few inspirational tips from youth development coach Ben Durham.

    Feeling down and out about your struggle to land a job? Perk up with an insightful story and a few inspirational tips from youth development coach Ben Durham.

  • 4 min
    Networking lesson
    3 CQ
    How to Succeed at Networking Events
    A lesson with Ronke Lawal Means Business
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    Check out these five helpful tips from experienced PR representative Ronke Lawal to become better at networking before your next big networking business event!

    Check out these five helpful tips from experienced PR representative Ronke Lawal to become better at networking before your next big networking business event!

  • 2 min
    Networking lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Network During the Holidays
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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    The holiday season can be the perfect time to network and make new business connections. Learn how with this lesson from marketing expert Susan Regier!

    The holiday season can be the perfect time to network and make new business connections. Learn how with this lesson from marketing expert Susan Regier!

  • 2 min
    Networking lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Stabilize Your Income Flow
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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    Is an influx of clients keeping you from marketing your business? Get a few tips for creating a marketing calendar to avoid this common problem!

    Is an influx of clients keeping you from marketing your business? Get a few tips for creating a marketing calendar to avoid this common problem!

  • 3 min
    Networking lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Set Strategic Business Goals
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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    Goal setting is an important part of both personal and professional development. Learn how to set goals and focus your intentions with this lesson.

    Goal setting is an important part of both personal and professional development. Learn how to set goals and focus your intentions with this lesson.

  • 2 min
    Networking lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Use Postcards for Marketing
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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    When done right, postcards can be a great tool for bringing in new prospects. In this lesson, learn how to develop and distribute marketing postcards.

    When done right, postcards can be a great tool for bringing in new prospects. In this lesson, learn how to develop and distribute marketing postcards.

  • 2 min
    Networking lesson
    2 CQ
    How to Overcome Self-Doubt in Business
    A lesson with Susan Regier
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    In this lesson with a marketing expert, learn how to run your business boldly and overcome self-doubt using a series of confidence building exercises.

    In this lesson with a marketing expert, learn how to run your business boldly and overcome self-doubt using a series of confidence building exercises.

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