Infant Care

  • 10
    57 min
    10-part Infant Care course
    33 CQ
    Raise an Eco Baby on a Budget
    A 10-part course with Jen Boulden
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    Learn practical and economical tips for raising your little one in an eco-friendly home. Jen Boulden provides tested tips on cloth diapering, DIY baby food, and more -- for a healthy bundle of joy!

    Learn practical and economical tips for raising your little one in an eco-friendly home. Jen Boulden provides tested tips on cloth diapering, DIY baby food, and more -- for a healthy bundle of joy!

  • 10
    52 min
    10-part Infant Care course
    31 CQ
    Homemade Nutritious Baby Food
    A 10-part course with Buona Pappa
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    Searching for healthy recipes your baby will enjoy? In this course, follow along with Buona Pappa and discover how to make a wide range of foods your baby can enjoy with the whole family!

    Searching for healthy recipes your baby will enjoy? In this course, follow along with Buona Pappa and discover how to make a wide range of foods your baby can enjoy with the whole family!

  • 7
    26 min
    7-part Infant Care course
    16 CQ
    Caring for Babies
    A 7-part course with Doc Smo
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    In this course with experienced pediatrician Dr. Paul Smolen (or Doc Smo), learn why swaddling and tummy time are good for your baby, and discover how to treat various infant illnesses and conditions.

    with Doc Smo

    In this course with experienced pediatrician Dr. Paul Smolen (or Doc Smo), learn why swaddling and tummy time are good for your baby, and discover how to treat various infant illnesses and conditions.

  • 6
    138 min
    6-part Software Development course
    73 CQ
    Fast Track Python for Newbies
    A 6-part course with Bitesize Business School
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    Want working knowledge of Python—fast? This course from Bitesize Business School is an accelerated introduction to one of the most important coding languages.

    Want working knowledge of Python—fast? This course from Bitesize Business School is an accelerated introduction to one of the most important coding languages.

  • 14
    95 min
    14-part Infant Care course
    53 CQ
    Bringing Your Baby Home
    A 14-part course with Doc Smo
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    The first few months of your newborn's life are full of new parenting experiences. Doc Smo helps you prepare for the ride by revealing 14 crucial things to know as a new parent.

    with Doc Smo

    The first few months of your newborn's life are full of new parenting experiences. Doc Smo helps you prepare for the ride by revealing 14 crucial things to know as a new parent.

  • Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. -Thomas Huxley
  • 4 min
    First Aid lesson
    3 CQ
    A warm embrace that saves lives
    A lesson with Jane Chen
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    In the developing world, access to incubators is limited by cost and distance, and millions of premature babies die each year. TED Fellow Jane Chen shows an invention that could keep millions of these infants warm -- a design that's safe, portable, low-cost and life-saving.

    In the developing world, access to incubators is limited by cost and distance, and millions of premature babies die each year. TED Fellow Jane Chen shows an invention that could keep millions of these infants warm -- a design that's safe, portable, low-cost and life-saving.

  • 1 min
    Infant Care lesson
    1 CQ
    Why time outside keeps newborns healthy
    A lesson with Doc Smo
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  • 1 min
    First Aid lesson
    1 CQ
    Causes of newborn jaundice
    A lesson with Doc Smo
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  • 1 min
    Infant Care lesson
    1 CQ
    Bananas are good for babies
    A lesson with Buona Pappa
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  • 3 min
    Infant Care lesson
    2 CQ
    Tiny Dancers Show Rhythm’s Roots
    A lesson with Science Friday
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    In perhaps the cutest study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, psychologist Marcel Zentner and Tuomas Eerola found that babies will spontaneously boogie.

    In perhaps the cutest study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, psychologist Marcel Zentner and Tuomas Eerola found that babies will spontaneously boogie.

  • 1 min
    Infant Care lesson
    1 CQ
    6 ways to soothe a crying baby
    A lesson with Julian Redwood, MFT
    View lesson

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