I have been a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor (circuits, pump and spinning) since 1998 and a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner since 2008.
I'm also qualified to teach Bare Foot Running through VivoBareFoot.
I am also a qualified Insanity and PiYo instructor.
10125 min10-part Fitness course68 CQ
Reap the benefits of working with a personal trainer! Coach Adrian’s Full-Body Fitness course offers step-by-step workouts to target each area of the body.
with Body Fit Life FitReap the benefits of working with a personal trainer! Coach Adrian’s Full-Body Fitness course offers step-by-step workouts to target each area of the body.
Other Lessons by Body Fit Life Fit
16 minNutrition lesson9 CQ
In this lesson, Coach Adrian demonstrates how to make a healthy granola breakfast that tastes fantastic and is packed full of good-quality nutrients.
with Body Fit Life FitIn this lesson, Coach Adrian demonstrates how to make a healthy granola breakfast that tastes fantastic and is packed full of good-quality nutrients.
Body Fit Life Fit's Enrolled Lessons
8 minFREEWork lessonFree5 CQ
You've created your Curious video lesson, now it's time to share it with the world! Learn how to use the Curious LessonBuilder to push your lesson live.
You've created your Curious video lesson, now it's time to share it with the world! Learn how to use the Curious LessonBuilder to push your lesson live.