Stacy V's Enrolled Lessons
3 minFREEViolin lessonFree2 CQ
Learn how to play the violin beautifully and, above all, fluidly! This lesson shows you how to improve your shifting technique, with both one and two fingers.
with Doree HunevenLearn how to play the violin beautifully and, above all, fluidly! This lesson shows you how to improve your shifting technique, with both one and two fingers.
6 minDrums lesson4 CQ
Follow along in this drumming technique lesson with percussion professional Paolo Parolini to learn four essential exercises to master the concert roll.
with Curious .Follow along in this drumming technique lesson with percussion professional Paolo Parolini to learn four essential exercises to master the concert roll.
3 minFREEComposition lessonFree2 CQ
Want to take professional photos of your family? Learn how to elevate your photos from snapshots to portraits with this introductory photography lesson.
with Valerie GoettschWant to take professional photos of your family? Learn how to elevate your photos from snapshots to portraits with this introductory photography lesson.
3 minFREEPhysical Therapy lessonFree2 CQ
Poor posture can lead to chronic pain and other health problems. Learn how to detect posture problems, and improve posture by repositioning your body.
with Dr. Robert PomahacPoor posture can lead to chronic pain and other health problems. Learn how to detect posture problems, and improve posture by repositioning your body.
5 minMind + Body lesson3 CQ
Did you know that water flossing is just as effective, if not more effective, than regular flossing? This lesson will show you how to correctly use a Waterpik.
with Dr. Sanda MoldovanDid you know that water flossing is just as effective, if not more effective, than regular flossing? This lesson will show you how to correctly use a Waterpik.
6 minWriting lesson4 CQ
Learn how to write amazing emails in this writing lesson! Email is the most common form of writing, so learn how to get it right every time you click send.
with Stuart Mill EnglishLearn how to write amazing emails in this writing lesson! Email is the most common form of writing, so learn how to get it right every time you click send.
4 minOutdoors lesson3 CQ
Learn how to collect water outdoors from fresh streams using a few key methods. All you need to get started is a stainless steel water bottle and a bandana!
with PA Wilderness SkillsLearn how to collect water outdoors from fresh streams using a few key methods. All you need to get started is a stainless steel water bottle and a bandana!
10 minFREEViolin lessonFree6 CQ
Learn proper technique for holding the violin and bow in this enjoyable lesson with violinst Jennifer Clift. Follow along and make practicing a pleasure!
with Jennifer CliftLearn proper technique for holding the violin and bow in this enjoyable lesson with violinst Jennifer Clift. Follow along and make practicing a pleasure!
3 minRunning lesson2 CQ
It’s the day before the big race, and you need a new pair of running shoes. This lesson shows you how to make new shoes feel like old favorites in minutes.
with JD HasenbankIt’s the day before the big race, and you need a new pair of running shoes. This lesson shows you how to make new shoes feel like old favorites in minutes.
18 minCamping lesson10 CQ
In this lesson, Krik from Black Owl Outdoors demonstrates how to start a fire in the rain using materials from the forest and a few simple camping supplies.
with Black Owl OutdoorsIn this lesson, Krik from Black Owl Outdoors demonstrates how to start a fire in the rain using materials from the forest and a few simple camping supplies.