rosemary f's Enrolled Lessons
7 minFREEArduino lessonFree4 CQ
Love bots? Build your own with an Arduino microcontroller, an open source computing platform. Tour the board and learn the pin headers you'll use in sketches.
with Curious .Love bots? Build your own with an Arduino microcontroller, an open source computing platform. Tour the board and learn the pin headers you'll use in sketches.
5 minFREEFrench lessonFree3 CQ
Bonjour! Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common French words and phrases like ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and ‘how are you?’.
with Learn French Now!Bonjour! Learn French Now! makes learning conversational French easy by teaching common French words and phrases like ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, and ‘how are you?’.
20 minFREEPiano lessonFree11 CQ
How do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
with Shawn CheekHow do you take those black dots on the page and turn them into piano music? By sight reading sheet music! Learn the names and positions of musical notes.
4 minFREEEntrepreneurship lessonFree3 CQ
In this lesson from Alanis Business Academy, learn about the roles, responsibilities, and functions of management, and become a better manager yourself!
In this lesson from Alanis Business Academy, learn about the roles, responsibilities, and functions of management, and become a better manager yourself!
17 minFREEPersonal Growth lessonFree9 CQ
If stress is holding you back, start dealing with life rather than letting life deal with you! Learn to access clarity and confidence in any situation.
with Bill Crawford, Ph.D.If stress is holding you back, start dealing with life rather than letting life deal with you! Learn to access clarity and confidence in any situation.
5 minPersonal Growth lesson3 CQ
You can never change people by fighting their existing reality. Discover the best way to resolve conflict between family members or coworkers.
with Bill Crawford, Ph.D.You can never change people by fighting their existing reality. Discover the best way to resolve conflict between family members or coworkers.
10 minFREEStatistics lessonFree6 CQ
Take the first step on the path to statistics mastery with this beginner lesson! Learn about the relevance and attributes of different types of data.
with Zachary RappellTake the first step on the path to statistics mastery with this beginner lesson! Learn about the relevance and attributes of different types of data.
9 minCooking lesson5 CQ
Need an easy date night dinner? Learn how to bake fish in parchment paper! This is a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious fish and veggies recipe.
Need an easy date night dinner? Learn how to bake fish in parchment paper! This is a quick, easy, healthy, and delicious fish and veggies recipe.
4 minFREEFitness lessonFree3 CQ
What style of cardiovascular training is best for you? In this lesson, learn about high intensity interval training and how it differs from tabata training.
What style of cardiovascular training is best for you? In this lesson, learn about high intensity interval training and how it differs from tabata training.
29 minFREESpanish lessonFree15 CQ
Learn the alphabet all over again—in Spanish! In this lesson, learn how to say every letter and discover a few letters that are special to the Spanish alphabet.
with Magical SpanishLearn the alphabet all over again—in Spanish! In this lesson, learn how to say every letter and discover a few letters that are special to the Spanish alphabet.