Hunter L's Enrolled Lessons
1 minFREECrafts lessonFree1 CQ
Chemistry can be tons of fun! Prove it to your 4th or 5th grade students with this exciting and hands-on polymer bouncy ball science experiment.
with Supercharged ScienceChemistry can be tons of fun! Prove it to your 4th or 5th grade students with this exciting and hands-on polymer bouncy ball science experiment.
4 minParkour lesson3 CQ
If you want to master parkour, you need to start with the basics. In this lesson for beginners, learn how to do a back flip from sitting position and on a bar.
with Alexandr ZhurkovIf you want to master parkour, you need to start with the basics. In this lesson for beginners, learn how to do a back flip from sitting position and on a bar.
2 minFREEParkour lessonFree2 CQ
A “punch” and a “plyo” are both two-footed jumps in the sport of parkour, but they’re not the same. In this lesson, learn the difference and how to do a plyo.
with Zoic NationA “punch” and a “plyo” are both two-footed jumps in the sport of parkour, but they’re not the same. In this lesson, learn the difference and how to do a plyo.
1 minFREEParkour lessonFree1 CQ
Parkour is an interpretative and playful way to interact with your environment. Learn how to execute a perfect parkour cat grab in this lesson from Zoic Nation.
with Zoic NationParkour is an interpretative and playful way to interact with your environment. Learn how to execute a perfect parkour cat grab in this lesson from Zoic Nation.
2 minSports lesson2 CQ
Learn how to improve your tennis serve! Find out where to stand, how to grip the handle, and discover the four basic steps of how to swing your racket.
with Full Swing TennisLearn how to improve your tennis serve! Find out where to stand, how to grip the handle, and discover the four basic steps of how to swing your racket.
2 minParkour lesson2 CQ
If you've mastered the 180 front flip of parkour, it's time to get a little more hardcore. Get more parkour training by learning the aerial twist.
with Nick ProvostIf you've mastered the 180 front flip of parkour, it's time to get a little more hardcore. Get more parkour training by learning the aerial twist.
5 minFREEParkour lessonFree3 CQ
One fundamental movement in both Parkour and Freerunning is the Vault. In this fun and quick lesson, you learn how to do the Speed, Reverse and Money Vaults.
with Nick ProvostOne fundamental movement in both Parkour and Freerunning is the Vault. In this fun and quick lesson, you learn how to do the Speed, Reverse and Money Vaults.