Rouxbe Cooking School
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Rouxbe Cooking School

Rouxbe Cooking School is an online cooking school that teaches home cooks, culinary students, and culinary professionals to become better and more confident cooks.

We believe that millions of motivated cooks have been misled to believe that recipes alone will make them better cooks. This is simply not true. Each year, hundreds of millions of cookbooks are sold—and quickly abandoned after being opened. Few seem to realize that learning the techniques behind recipes is the most effective way to learn to cook: the way the pros learn. We created Rouxbe to disrupt this thinking and take a stand to help the world eat better.

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Get ready for Fall dinner celebrations!

With Fall in the air, we're getting excited about upcoming celebrations - family dinners, Thanksgiving, and the holidays!

Our latest lesson on Curious, How to Make Roast Turkey with Gravy, will help you through the season. Learn how to cook a turkey with this easy recipe - perfect for any Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner! This lesson also includes a tasty and simple gravy recipe.

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