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Professor Pincushion

Professor Pincushion has been picking up the thread and needle for over 15 years. She has experience in apparel and home decorating sewing, quilting, and embroidery. She’s taught private and group sewing lessons and continues to develop her own original projects featured on ProfessorPincushion.com, Family Fun Magazine, and multiple craft sites. Professor Pincushion strives to produce high quality, sewing tutorials so that anyone can learn how to sew.

All Posts by Professor Pincushion
New course! How to Draft and Sew Basic Pants

I'm thrilled to share my newest course, How to Draft and Sew Basic Pants.

Beginner and intermediate sewers: this DIY sewing course from shows step-by-step how to create a basic pants block from your measurements and sew a custom pair of pants! If you've ever wanted to try your hand at drafting your own unique pattern and getting a pair of great fitting pants, then this course is for you!

I hope you enjoy the new course!

Professor Pincushion

New course from Professor Pincushion

Ready for a new lesson? I am excited to share my most recently published course: How to Sew Custom T-Shirts and Tank Tops

Making your own tank top or t-shirt is easier than you think. Professor Pincushion shows you how to use your own measurements to create patterns for a basic t-shirt or tank top. For even more unique fun, you can learn how to do variations to the blocks in order to add different types of sleeves, yokes, and even a t-shirt dress. Once you have your pattern, Professor Pincushion also shows you how to sew it all together. Making your own unique clothes is fun and creative.

Our first lesson is free, so enroll today. And remember, I'm here if you have any questions!

Thanks, Professor Pincushion

New course: How to Draft and Sew a Fitted Bodice

Hate it when you find the perfect dress, but it just doesn't fit?

In this comprehensive course, Professor Pincushion shows you how to make a fitted bodice. This bodice can be paired with one of your skirts created in the Skirts Variations course - so you can design your own dress. We'll show you how to take measurements, how to draft the basic bodice block and pattern, and, finally, sew the garment together for a professional look.

Your creativity and handiwork will be rewarded with a beautiful statement dress!

Cheers, Professor Pincushion

New course from Professor Pincushion

I am excited to share my latest course on Curious, Basic Skirt Variations!

This is a followup to our course, How to Make a Basic Skirt. In our new course, Professor Pincushion shows you how to take that basic skirt block and create beautiful skirt variations. Do you love circle skirts? Are you the flared or pencil skirt type? Add pockets to your skirt for practicality or ruffles for a fun and flirty feel. You'll also learn how to add pleats to your skirt and make changes to the waistline. Why make one skirt when there are so many styles to choose from?

Sign up today and happy learning!

Learn to Create Your Own Custom Skirt


Interested in designing your own clothes? Would you love to have a perfect fitting skirt? We have a new skirt course that's perfect for beginners.

Professor Pincushion will show you how to create custom pattern pieces based on your own measurements so you can get an awesome basic skirt. Once you have your patterns, you can view a demonstration on how to sew your skirt, add lining to it, and even add simple patch pockets. The best part is that this basic skirt will give you a great foundation for creating other styles of skirts.

Learning to design your own skirt has never been so easy, because we take you every step of the way from drafting to sewing.

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