Creating Milestones
When embarking on a new learning experience, especially one of the fitness variety, it's important to create milestones for yourself. It's not about doing 5 Pilates lessons a day - it's about setting attainable goals that fit into our lives.
We are all busy people. Your time is valuable, and so is the time that you set aside for yourself. So, make a little time to shut down that cell phone or pinging email. Just jot down a goal for yourself. Perhaps, "I will give myself one week to work in 3 Pilates sessions". When you accomplish your milestone, as I know you will, you will have something to celebrate. You set a goal and met it!
I invite you to start this week's goal setting with Pilates Foundations. Here you will work your core, improve your flexibility, strengthen your arms and build long and lean muscles. This lesson is great for all ages and involves only the weight of your body! Lesson 1 covers core strengthening, leg exercises, and finishing stretches to lengthen your muscles.