Welcome to NYC CNC! Follow along as we tackle instructional videos on metalworking, machining, fabrication, prototyping and more!
I love mixing in new technology (CNC, Arduino's) with old school equipment (manual lathes, welding & fabrication) to create prototypes, projects and other job-shop work!
Everything from stamping dies to powder coating tutorials to fixturing in the CNC mill.
All Lessons by NYC CNC
5 minFREEArduino lessonFree3 CQ
Learn to use an Arduino & Sparkfun BigEasyDriver to control a stepper motor - and create a simple CNC machine!
with NYC CNCLearn to use an Arduino & Sparkfun BigEasyDriver to control a stepper motor - and create a simple CNC machine!
NYC CNC's Enrolled Lessons
8 minFREEWork lessonFree5 CQ
You've created your Curious video lesson, now it's time to share it with the world! Learn how to use the Curious LessonBuilder to push your lesson live.
You've created your Curious video lesson, now it's time to share it with the world! Learn how to use the Curious LessonBuilder to push your lesson live.