Game Development with Unity 5

271 CQ
47 Lessons
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    46. Unity 5 Quality Settings
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Get advice for configuring the quality settings of games developed in Unity 5, and explore some of the most important settings for web, standalone, and iOS.

    Get advice for configuring the quality settings of games developed in Unity 5, and explore some of the most important settings for web, standalone, and iOS.

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    7 CQ
    47. Unity 5 Final Export Considerations
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    There are a few final steps to take before you can finish creating a playable version of a game developed in Unity 5. Look at them in this lesson.

    There are a few final steps to take before you can finish creating a playable version of a game developed in Unity 5. Look at them in this lesson.

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