Learn to Code Android Apps

238 CQ
42 Lessons
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    4 CQ
    1. Java for Android Apps
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Java applications are composed of bytecode that is read by the Java virtual machine. Learn about Java structure, and get familiar with a programming language!

    Java applications are composed of bytecode that is read by the Java virtual machine. Learn about Java structure, and get familiar with a programming language!

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    3 CQ
    2. How to Use Packages in Java
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    As your next step in understanding Java for android applications, learn how to use packages to separate your program code into discrete units.

    As your next step in understanding Java for android applications, learn how to use packages to separate your program code into discrete units.

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    8 CQ
    3. Primitive Data Types & Java Variables
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    This lesson is all about Java variables! In this lesson, review primitive data types, and review the operators that work on your code.

    This lesson is all about Java variables! In this lesson, review primitive data types, and review the operators that work on your code.

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    12 CQ
    4. Creating Conditionals & Loops in Java
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    In this Java for android apps lesson, learn about conditions, if and switch statements, multiple conditional statements, and finally, loops (or iterations)!

    In this Java for android apps lesson, learn about conditions, if and switch statements, multiple conditional statements, and finally, loops (or iterations)!

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    6 CQ
    5. How to Use Arrays in Java for Android
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Continue reviewing Java programming to learn how to create Android apps with this look at how to use arrays. You may need to use them in Android programming!

    Continue reviewing Java programming to learn how to create Android apps with this look at how to use arrays. You may need to use them in Android programming!

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