HTML5 Mobile App Development

202 CQ
39 Lessons
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    5 CQ
    11. Media Queries for Responsive HTML5 Apps
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    This lesson from LearnToProgram introduces the media query in CSS and how you can set its parameters for specific screen sizes on mobile devices or TV screens.

    This lesson from LearnToProgram introduces the media query in CSS and how you can set its parameters for specific screen sizes on mobile devices or TV screens.

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    6 CQ
    12. Mobile Service Oriented Architecture
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    In this lesson, LearnToProgram demonstrates how to make an app that can, at the push of a button, retrieve a Chuck Norris joke from an external site.

    In this lesson, LearnToProgram demonstrates how to make an app that can, at the push of a button, retrieve a Chuck Norris joke from an external site.

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    4 CQ
    13. Parameterized Queries in Mobile Apps
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    In this lesson, LearnToProgram introduces the code for parameterized queries in your mobile app that will return a customized Chuck Norris joke.

    In this lesson, LearnToProgram introduces the code for parameterized queries in your mobile app that will return a customized Chuck Norris joke.

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    6 CQ
    14. Parsing XML Data for a Mobile App
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    This lesson from LearnToProgram covers how to parse XML data pulled from different weather stations and present the data in a readable format in a mobile app.

    This lesson from LearnToProgram covers how to parse XML data pulled from different weather stations and present the data in a readable format in a mobile app.

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    8 CQ
    15. Parsing JSON Data for a Mobile App
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Follow along as LearnToProgram walks through the code for a mobile app that takes JSON data and organizes it into an easily readable train timetable.

    Follow along as LearnToProgram walks through the code for a mobile app that takes JSON data and organizes it into an easily readable train timetable.

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