HTML5 Mobile App Development

202 CQ
39 Lessons
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    5 CQ
    31. List Views & Filters Using jQuery Mobile
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    This lesson covers how to use HTML5 and jQuery Mobile to set up a list, add links for navigation, as well as how to add a search field to filter the list.

    This lesson covers how to use HTML5 and jQuery Mobile to set up a list, add links for navigation, as well as how to add a search field to filter the list.

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    3 CQ
    32. Adding jQuery Mobile Events
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Follow along as LearnToProgram demonstrates how to set up jQuery Mobile to respond to both a left and right swipe or a tap within an HTML5 mobile app.

    Follow along as LearnToProgram demonstrates how to set up jQuery Mobile to respond to both a left and right swipe or a tap within an HTML5 mobile app.

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    8 CQ
    33. Using PhoneGap's File System API
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    In this lesson, learn how to create an app using PhoneGap and JavaScript that writes lists of information that can be written to the device's file system.

    In this lesson, learn how to create an app using PhoneGap and JavaScript that writes lists of information that can be written to the device's file system.

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    2 CQ
    34. Using PhoneGap's Device API
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    Learn how to access specific mobile device information through your mobile app simply and easily, using JavaScript and the PhoneGap device API.

    Learn how to access specific mobile device information through your mobile app simply and easily, using JavaScript and the PhoneGap device API.

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    7 CQ
    35. Using PhoneGap's Contact API
    A lesson with LearnToProgram
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    This lesson demonstrates how to create a simple app, starting with input fields, and moves on to how to use the API to save that info to the device's contacts.

    This lesson demonstrates how to create a simple app, starting with input fields, and moves on to how to use the API to save that info to the device's contacts.

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