How to Win Chess Endgames

24 CQ
4 Lessons
  • Playing
    6 CQ
    1. How to Checkmate with Knight & Bishop
    A lesson with Niclas Huschenbeth
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    Learn to make the difference between a win and a draw in this chess lesson perfect for finishing up a challenging match with the knight's "w maneuver."

    Learn to make the difference between a win and a draw in this chess lesson perfect for finishing up a challenging match with the knight's "w maneuver."

  • Playing
    5 CQ
    2. Defending Bishop vs. Rook in Chess
    A lesson with Niclas Huschenbeth
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    In this chess lesson all about the end game, learn to defend bishop against rook. Discover a few important positions, and get tips on the best corner to defend.

    In this chess lesson all about the end game, learn to defend bishop against rook. Discover a few important positions, and get tips on the best corner to defend.

  • Playing
    6 CQ
    3. Defending Knight vs. Rook in Chess
    A lesson with Niclas Huschenbeth
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    What happens when you are staring at a nearly empty board with only two kings, one bishop, and one knight. Learn the optimal positions in this chess lesson.

    What happens when you are staring at a nearly empty board with only two kings, one bishop, and one knight. Learn the optimal positions in this chess lesson.

  • Playing
    7 CQ
    4. Using Opposition in Pawn Endgames
    A lesson with Niclas Huschenbeth
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    Learn a key concept to playing chess end games called "opposition." Review scenarios when opposition matters, and learn how to protect an advancing pawn.

    Learn a key concept to playing chess end games called "opposition." Review scenarios when opposition matters, and learn how to protect an advancing pawn.

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Thomas L
It takes a genius to explain something that is complex and make it seem so simple. Your explanation was excellent ,thank you, TOM
Niclas Huschenbeth
Thank you, I appreciate it!
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