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Video Games as Literature

86 CQ
13 Lessons
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    6 CQ
    1. Violence and Conflict in Video Games
    A lesson with The Game Professor
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    The Game Professor explains why life and death situations are necessary to successful gameplay, and how the concept of ludonarrative comes into play.

    The Game Professor explains why life and death situations are necessary to successful gameplay, and how the concept of ludonarrative comes into play.

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    4 CQ
    2. Lovecraftian Horror in the Game Destiny
    A lesson with The Game Professor
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    In this lesson, review the mysterious elements of Lovecraftian horror that are utilized in the video game Destiny, and explore the tonal differences.

    In this lesson, review the mysterious elements of Lovecraftian horror that are utilized in the video game Destiny, and explore the tonal differences.

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    7 CQ
    3. Literary Analysis of Halo | Part 1
    A lesson with The Game Professor
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    In this lesson, you'll learn how Halo, an amazing, mystery-driven shooter game, changed the face of FPS videogames and tells a compelling, dynamic story.

    In this lesson, you'll learn how Halo, an amazing, mystery-driven shooter game, changed the face of FPS videogames and tells a compelling, dynamic story.

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    12 CQ
    4. Literary Analysis of Halo | Part 2
    A lesson with The Game Professor
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    If you want to learn about Halo's storyline, what Chief finds and how he escapes, as well as religious themes and ties, follow along with The Game Professor.

    If you want to learn about Halo's storyline, what Chief finds and how he escapes, as well as religious themes and ties, follow along with The Game Professor.

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    4 CQ
    5. Video Games as an Art Form
    A lesson with The Game Professor
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    Follow along with The Game Professor as he explains popular arguments against video games as an art and provides insightful evidence disproving these opinions.

    Follow along with The Game Professor as he explains popular arguments against video games as an art and provides insightful evidence disproving these opinions.

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Joshua M
Question 1's answer should be true...some critics DO argue that video games are not art. That's true. But when I hit true it said I was wrong.
Ayan W
Nice video
Jenny K
I noticed this too
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