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Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids®
A New Approach to Learning Languages. More Fun, More Effective.

We created this company because we want your children to succeed with foreign language. We hope that you and your child find our course to be a fun and effective way to learn Spanish.

We are honored that these videos have been awarded:

BEST PRODUCTS OF 2014 (Family Review Center)

TOP 10 DVDs OF 2014 (Dr. Toy)


MEDIA OF THE YEAR IN 2014 and 2013 (Creative Child Magazine)

Let us know how your kids like these videos and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about how to best use our program. It is important that your child watches the videos in order and that he or she understands a lesson before progressing to the next. This way your child will get the most out of this course.

We hope our videos provide your child with a solid and useful introduction to Spanish conversation and will inspire them to continue learning Spanish and perhaps even other foreign languages as well.

Digital Activity Book Included with Course

Dear Students,

We are very happy to provide you with our first online digital activity book, as a supplement to our Spanish 101 for Kids course. The 24-page activity book includes interactive activities reinforcing the videos and includes some basic Spanish grammar, culture, and a fun comic as well. Activities include crossword puzzles, secret codes, word searches, geography in a jiffy, idioms in an instant, a gust of grammar, and more!

The workbook is free for students as an attachment to the course.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to teach your children. We hope that they are learning from our videos and becoming enthusiastic about learning Spanish! As always, please feel free Comment on a lesson with your questions or suggestions.

Warm regards,

Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids

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