Mind + Body

How to Defend Yourself in a Fight

76 CQ
20 Lessons
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    4 CQ
    6. Dealing with Bar Fight Scenarios | Pt 1
    A lesson with Chuck Johnson
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    Is some guy getting in your face at the bar? In this self-defense lesson, learn how and why to avoid fights at all costs, but how to win them if they happen.

    Is some guy getting in your face at the bar? In this self-defense lesson, learn how and why to avoid fights at all costs, but how to win them if they happen.

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    2 CQ
    7. Dealing with Bar Fight Scenarios | Pt 2
    A lesson with Chuck Johnson
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    There are many ways to defend yourself from an aggressive dude at a bar. This lesson shows how to flip an offender into an arm bar once you see a punch coming.

    There are many ways to defend yourself from an aggressive dude at a bar. This lesson shows how to flip an offender into an arm bar once you see a punch coming.

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    3 CQ
    8. Defending Against Knife Attacks
    A lesson with Chuck Johnson
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    Knife attacks are seriously dangerous business. This self-defense lesson demonstrates a few tricks for getting out of deadly situations without injury.

    Knife attacks are seriously dangerous business. This self-defense lesson demonstrates a few tricks for getting out of deadly situations without injury.

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    3 CQ
    9. Escaping a Multiple Opponent Scenario
    A lesson with Chuck Johnson
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    Multiple opponent scenarios are worst-case scenarios. In this self-defense lesson, learn what to do during this chance situation, and see how to get out alive.

    Multiple opponent scenarios are worst-case scenarios. In this self-defense lesson, learn what to do during this chance situation, and see how to get out alive.

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    3 CQ
    10. Escaping Shooting & Standing Clinches
    A lesson with Chuck Johnson
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    In this essential self-defense lesson, learn how to use basic martial arts tactics to avoid getting taken down with shoots and standing clinch grabs.

    In this essential self-defense lesson, learn how to use basic martial arts tactics to avoid getting taken down with shoots and standing clinch grabs.

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Ashley O
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Chuck Johnson
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