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Adrienn Banhegyi
Jump Rope Instructor

If you are one of those who seek challenges and you are ready for an excellent cardio workout program, jump rope could be a great solution. Incorporating jump rope into your training routine will not only result in a better cardiovascular fitness level, but will help you develop your coordination skills and concentration at the same time.

Enjoy getting fit while learning some spectacular jump rope tricks!

Jump Rope Basic Footwork Workout, now on Curious.com

Jump Rope Basic Footwork Workout, now on Curious.com

I am excited to share my latest lesson on Curious, Jump Rope Basic Footwork Workout!

What is the best abdominal workout? Well, some serious jump rope cardio is definitely up there! In this lesson, learn the double bounce and some quick footwork.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Stay Curious!
Adrienn Banhegyi

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